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I ended up drinking to much which in the long run wasn't bad. The movie ended and people starting returning to their rooms. Ghost and I were the only ones in the rec room. I was getting another beer and setting up to watch the 3rd alien movie. When I sat back down I noticed Ghost was on the same couch as me. I smiled at him and played the movie.

"You want some?" I asked him holding out my beer.

"No I'm good I have my bourbon" he replied but still kept eye contact.

"Ok suit yourself" I said as I downed the whole thing. Setting the bottle down on the table. "Ah shit I need to shower still" I mumbled out. I stood up and went to leave the room when my legs gave out and I fell. I started laughing so hard I started crying.

"Are you ok? Why are you crying?" Ghost asked as he made his way over to me. I started laughing even more trying to catch my breath.

"I'm- im fine" I said trying to get up again. This time I used the wall and made my way to my room. Ghost followed me to make sure I was ok. I got to my room and started grabbing things for a shower.

"Are you sure you're able to shower right now?" He asked sounding concerned.

"I'm fine just help me to the bathroom" I told him. He helped me but I could tell he was hesitant.

Ghost POV

It's obvious she's drunk. She couldn't even support herself. Anyways I still helped her to the bathroom. She started taking off her shirt.

"Whoa im still in here" I told her.

" I know but I can't take a shower with clothes on. What about this you look away while I undress then help me into the shower then help me get out" she slurred, her shirt still half way up.

"Sure I suppose" I said as I turned around. I held out my arm for her to hold on too.

"Damn even your forearms are muscular" I heard her say as she squeezed my arm.

"Hurry up the sooner this is done the sooner you can go to sleep" I told her.

"You know you don't have to be serious all the time it's ok to let loose and do what you want sometimes" she said as she clumsily climbed into the shower.

"If I did let loose women would be very sore" I joked.

"I knew you had a kinky side. What's your favorite, I bet it's choking, I've seen you choke out most of the people you kill and you seem too excited about it" she rambled out. I mean she wasn't wrong but she doesn't need to know that.

"Focus on your shower y/n" I said back.

"You called me by my name that time hah you're warming up to me more than you think" she cheered as the water turned off.

"Alright let's go" I turned away and held out my arm for her to take. I felt her hand grab my arm but she's didn't use it to get out she just stood there squeezing it. I wanted to turn around to see what she was doing until I felt her other hand graze my back. It sent a shiver down my spine.

"Y/n come on let's get you dressed before you catch a cold" I said to hopefully get her attention. It seemed to work cause she got out and wrapped a towel around her.

"Is it alright if I kept Riley tonight. I know she's yours but she's such a sweet girl. Or even better we can both sleep on the couches so we don't have to separate the dogs" she asked but her words slurred together I just nodded.

"Great we can also finish watching Aliens"

Well here I am sitting on the same couch as y/n yet again though this time she sat closer to me. She put my jacket back on after her shower. She looks so good in my jacket I have to admit. A little later I felt weight in my shoulder. I looked and saw y/n's head on the side of my shoulder. It was cute how she wasn't quite tall enough for her head to be on my shoulder. After a while I got tired too and fell asleep.

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