Missions and shit

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^ that's what Lexa looks like

I saw the dog go straight to Ghost and jump on him to which one heard him chuckle and pet her. I'm assuming he also requested to have his dog flown in.

"You like the gift" Price asked Ghost. Ghost nodded and started to walk away with her by his side without even saying thing. Lexa did that too but she was also kinda dumb so she always followed me.

I grabbed all of Lexas stuff and went towards the helicopter to put it next to my stuff. When I got there my stuff was moved into the aircraft already along with ghosts, Lucy's and prices stuff.

"Omg Lexa is here, why did nobody tell me" Bean cried when he rounded out he corner and saw her.

"Because I asked for her to be brought and also you don't need to know" I spoke back.

"Of course I need to know I could've asked for them to bring my dog" he cried even louder.

"Hush you're fine plus he isn't fully trained yet so they couldn't have brought him" I spoke as I walked away with Lexa on my heels.

We had 4 hours till we left so I decided to do drills with Lexa to warm her up for the mission. When I approached the dog training area I saw Ghost and Riley already there doing drills. I had Lexa in a sit and stay while we watched them do drills

"What is she trained in?" I asked from just beyond the fence line.

"She's trained in a little bit of everything mostly taking people down" he answered opening the gate for Lexa and I to enter. Lexa followed me in but I could tell she wanted to go play.

"Is it alright if Lexa were to play with Riley for a minute she's a little dumb and doesn't realize yet we're supposed to be working" I asked

Ghost nodded and gave Riley a release command. Immediately Riley went to sniff Lexa while Lexa wagged her tail and started jumping around excitedly.

"It's been a while since she's had someone to play with" I stated

"Same with Riley, this is her first mission after her accident a few months back" he assured

After about 10 minutes the dogs came back to us and we did drills. I called Soap and Sizzle to the area to be live dummies for attacking. I let ghost and Riley go first and I made sure Lexa didn't do anything stupid. Riley took down Soap in an instant, while Soap hit the ground hard. Next up was me and Lexa.

I whispered "fetch me their souls" to Lexa and she ran at Sizzle and jumped going for his head. Thank god he remembered to wear a helmet. I heard chuckling next to me and I turned to look at ghost.

"'Fetch me their souls' really" he chuckled a little more.

"Listen I was 20 when I got her and wanted it to be different" I defended myself. "Lex bring him here". I turned to look at Lexa slowly dragging a struggling Sizzle. I laughed and praised her.

"How old his Lexa now" Ghost asked.

"Oh she's 5, once I retire her I want her to have puppies. She's a super mellow dog that wants to please" I answered.

Soap and Sizzle left to finish packing because they didn't pack earlier. Ghost and I finished drills and went back up to the main building. Lexa and Riley were both able to be off leash and relax when we got there.

"Chaos, Ghost are y'all packed and ready to go" Captain Price asked to which we both nodded.
Authors note
Short chapter yes I know

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