First night

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Both Task forces were on the planes along with Lexa, Riley and 2 other dogs. I was told it'd be a 16 hour flight. My team was on the left side while Ghosts was on the right. Ghost and Riley sat in front of me and Lexa. Lucy and Price sat across from each other and the other guys kept moving and swapping seats.

"Yo Chaos what's your dogs name?" I heard Gaz ask.

"This is Lexa she's super sweet unless I say her attack command" I motioned Lexa to go say hi.

The rest of the flight consisted of napping, talking, having staring contest with Ghost though I'm pretty sure he wasn't playing oh well.

We got off the plane finally and Lexa ran straight for grass to relieve herself like the good dog she is. I saw Ghost let Riley off leash to go potty as well. After gathering our equipment into 3 vehicles we headed out to our temporary hideout.

I drove one truck with Ghost, Soap, and Bean. Lexa sat in between Ghost and I because she's my baby and has priority over literal people. Riley sat in between Soap and Bean but Ghost would reach back to pet her. I handed Bean my phone to play music when Soap snatches it.

"No I ain't gonna listen to you're American shit" he said as he put on some funky Scottish music. Not bad just funky.

Ghost hit Soap with something I didn't really see what but he grabbed the phone and put on heavy metal.

"That's music not whatever the fuck you put on" Ghost says as he hands me my phone back. I see Bean in the back seat pouting cause he didn't he to play a song yet. However he'd have to wait cause Ghost put on cyanide which was a super good song to hype you up.

"After this song you can put something on ok Bean. Now stop pouting you know Lexa with start whining and barking" I stated however Lexa had already started whining. I pet her as she lays down half in my lap and half on Ghost who seems shocked that the dog had the audacity to lay on him.

"We'll maybe you're dog shouldn't be so sensitive" Bean snapped back. Before I could say anything Soap commented

"Maybe she just reflects emotions she sees" I laughed at the comment aimed at Bean to stop being sensitive. I heard Ghost beside me move and I saw him start to pet Lexa as she had started twitching in her sleep.

"Bean could you grab Lexas medication from my bag please and thank you" I asked knowing he would.

"What medication does Lexa need?" Soap asked.

"Well on her first mission with me we both got blew up from a mine, thank god it was for small animals but still hurt like a bitch. Anyways Lexa has PTSD so when she's restless like this we give her medication to sleep" I answered to the best of my knowledge.
"Here Ghost grab the wheel I need to shove this down Lexas throat" Ghost looked at me like I was crazy but grabbed the wheel anyways. I woke up Lexa and opened her mouth to give her the pill.

"Sorry she has a habit of spitting out pills no matter what we do so I gotta shove ''em down her throat" I explained cause I knew either Soap or Ghost we're gonna ask.

Time skip

We made it to where we will be staying and I unpacked Lexas and I things from the truck while everyone grabbed their shit. There wasn't bed but there was cushions. To what? I don't know but I made makeshift beds out of them and claimed some for me to put my sleeping bag on and grabbed Lexa one as well. If she's gonna be workin she's going to get a good nights sleep.

Well turns out they brought dog runs so the dogs can be off leash at night and do as they please however I set up my bed in with Lexa cause I haven't seen her in months. When I got in my sleeping bag for the night I saw ghost sitting up next to Riley just watching Lexa and I.

"You gonna keep starin or are ya gonna go to bed?" I asked him just above a whisper.

"I'm on watch duty with Soap. Some people like to know they're safe before going to bed" the masked man answered as he looked away. I giggled because of the way he almost sounded flustered when he looked away.

The next morning I woke up to Lexa laying on my chest and Riley between my legs with her head resting on my right thigh. I wanted to get up but I didn't want the dogs to move. But then it hit me, why is Riley in with Lexa and me she should have her own. I looked around and saw ghost asleep but I heard Gaz and Bean talking in the distance so I knew we were still fine. I went back to sleep cause it was still dark out.

About 2 hours later I was woken up by the movement of Lexa and Riley getting off me. I looked to see where they went and Lexa was willingly following Ghost and Riley. If I didn't know any better I'd think Ghost was trying to steal my dog. Although I'm glad Lexa is getting taken care of even when I'm not awake.

"Why good morning sleeping beauty, get enough sleep" I heard Cracker shout across the run down house.

"Fuck off Cracker, you're lucky you're not black I could've gotten really racist" I grumbled out as I sat up.

" you know I was gonna make you coffee but now I'm not" Cracker sassed back. I waved him off and stood up to go find my dog

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