How He Asks You Out

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A/N: I don't really have much to say here besides thank you to everyone who's supported this book so far even though I haven't gotten as far as I would have liked with it yet! Your support means the world to me and I'm so pleased with how well this book is doing so far- it has exceeded my wildest expectations for it so far! 

Word Count: 1,176 

Rip Wheeler

A few days had passed since Beth and I had gone out dancing, and since then things around the Ranch had been...a little uncomfortable. I was still a bit pissed with Beth for not pointing out that she was well aware of who Rip was, never mind how she let me dance with him all night without feeling like she should have mentioned it. She knew what she was doing, letting me be all over him in the bar, she just wanted to cause trouble.

And if that wasn't bad enough, I couldn't get Rip out of my head and he had an impeccable talent for showing up wherever I was. We rarely spoke, but I was always aware of his eyes on me. He was so effortlessly handsome, and it was starting to drive me crazy. I wanted nothing more than to grab him by the collar of his shirt and kiss that smirk off his handsome face. My cheeks began to heat up at the thought of it. I ducked my head to hide it and tried to focus on my laptop, but not before Beth took notice. I wasn't in the mood to hear her commentary, so I slammed the laptop shut, grabbed my hat, and stalked out of the house.

I took a seat on the fence and watched the horses being led in and out of the pen by the wranglers. "I was wondering when I might get you alone" I looked up from my boots and realized I was sitting at eye level with Rip. "Work was getting to me and I was sick of listening to Beth drone on," I said with a shrug, as I took my hat off and ran a hand through my loose hair. "You seem a bit stressed," he said, his hand skimming over mine. "A bit" I agreed. "You wanna know what I do when I'm feelin' like that?" I nodded. He pointed to the furthest field. "I grab a beer and I lay out there and watch the stars" That sounded like heaven right now. "Meet me out here tonight when it's dark" kissing me quickly on the cheek before heading back to work. My cheeks flushed as my hand rose to where his lips had just been. "Rip! Are you askin me out?" I hollered after him, but he just turned back and winked at me. 

Kayce Dutton

Almost a week had passed since my run-in with Kayce at the coffee shop, and it had been all I could think about ever since. But despite the fact that I couldn't get his handsome face or kind gesture out of my head, I still hadn't been able to work up the nerve to call him. I had no problems with women initiating something, I just wasn't sure that I was the kind of woman who could do something like that, it was an awfully bold move and I wasn't sure I had the nerve for it.

I yanked the door to my fridge open and pulled out a beer, hoping one or two would give me the courage to pick up the phone and call Kayce. I wasn't a lightweight by any means, but after two beers I was definitely starting to feel a bit more adventurous. "To hell with it" I said as I clicked call on Kayce's contact. I bounced my leg up and down anxiously as I listened to the phone ring...and ring...and ring for what felt like forever.

My embarrassment grew and I was ready to hang up, but the call connected after the third ring. I almost stopped breathing when I heard his voice. "Uh Kayce? This is (Y/n), we met at the coffee shop last week?" I said, hoping he would remember. "I've been waitin' all week for you to call", I almost choked on my beer. "You know, I'd love to see you again. What are you up to on Saturday?" I made a mental note to clear the calendar for Saturday regardless of what he asked. "Is there any chance you want to go bowling with me?" he asked, sounding hopeful. "I'd say there's a pretty good chance. You should know I'm a great bowler." I said, hoping to intimidate him a bit. "Challenge accepted, it's a date" he said and I had to bite my lip to keep from squealing.

Lee Dutton 

My head was still reeling about Beth setting me up...on a date...with her BROTHER. I made a mental note to give her the reaming of her life when I saw her next, but I figured the best thing I could do for now was to take a deep breath and enjoy the fact that I was at dinner with my best friend's ridiculously handsome brother. If I was being honest I was conflicted about if I should be pissed at her for interfering in my dating life, or thrilled that she had a really handsome brother who she had been willing to set me up with. I figured I could decide later.

The longer that dinner went on, and the more I talked with Lee, the less angry I was with my best friend. Not only was he super handsome, but he was also funny, genuine, and a real gentleman. When it came time to pay for our meals, he was having absolutely none of it when I tried to pay for my portion. Even after I had made it incredibly clear that I was capable of doing so, he snatched the cheque from the middle of the table claiming that "a gentleman never lets a lady pay...even if she is more than capable of doing so" and that was that.

We left the restaurant arm in arm, laughing and smiling as he walked me to my car. I didn't reach for my remote right away once we got there, because if I was being honest, I really didn't want to admit that our night was coming to an end, and I was willing to do anything in my power to keep it from ending. "I don't know if it's just me, but I really wish this night wasn't over already," Lee said and I breathed a sigh of relief knowing that he felt the same. "It isn't just you" I assured him. He considered this for a moment. "You know...I know the best picnic spot." Lee mused. "Oh yeah? I'd love to see it." I baited him. "Think of it as a second first date. The only difference is that this one will be on our terms" I didn't hesitate to agree to a second first date with him. 

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