Your First Kiss

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A/N: Now that I'm getting back into the swing of things, I'm having SO much fun writing this book, and I just hope that you guys are having as much fun reading it! Once again, I'd like to thank everyone for their support of me and this book, you guys are what makes this possible and I couldn't do it without you! You make my dreams come true! 

Word Count: 1,225 

Rip Wheeler

I swear my breathing stopped when I heard Rip say that he hadn't made a wish on the shooting star because everything he had wished for was sitting right beside him. "You really mean that?" I asked him, my voice barely able to rise above a whisper. Rip's eyes softened when he looked at me. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?" He asked, confusion evident in his beautiful eyes. I shrugged nonchalantly and went back to looking at the stars, hoping he would let it go. "(Y/n) why would I ever say somethin like that if I didn't mean it?" I shrugged once again. "I don't know Rip. I've just never had anyone say something like that to me before, you surprised me that's all" I admitted, knowing that I could always be honest with him.

Rip sighed. "(Y/n) look at me," he asked me, his voice soft and gentle. I did as he asked. He placed his hand on my cheek. "I've been drawn to you since the moment I met you. And ever since then all I've wanted, all I've wished for was the chance to take you on a real date. And somehow I got lucky enough and my wish came true. I don't need to wish for anything else." He said. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face into his chest. "You're a dream come true Rip" I felt his chest rise and fall as he chuckled. He pulled back a bit so we were looking into each other's eyes. We both leaned back in and our lips collided. The kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it felt so right. Fireworks exploded in me as he deepened the kiss and my hands traveled from his firmly muscled chest to his soft hair. "I've been waiting for you to do that since I met you" I whispered in between kisses. "And I've been holding back ever since," he said before he went back to kissing me under the stars. 

Kayce Dutton 

Lucky for us, there was a bar right across the street from the bowling alley, and Kayce had promised me a beer so I let him lead me across the street and into the bar. I waited beside a high-rise table as Kayce made his way up towards the bar to get us a beer as he had promised after losing to me in bowling. My eyes followed him the entire way, I couldn't help it. Everything about him was attractive to me, and watching him walk away was just as good as staring into his gorgeous brown eyes. I was glad he had brought us to a bar with good music, I just hoped he wouldn't mind a dance or two. It was getting harder and harder to find a good dance partner these days and he would check all my boxes if he danced too.

A smile spread across my face when I noticed Kayce making his way toward our table with two beers in his hands, sort of dancing as he did so. "That's a big smile" he commented as he came to stand beside me, and handed me my beer. "You were dancing," I said, taking a sip from the beer he brought me. He nodded but I wasn't sure he was following along. "I like dancing, but it's hard to find a good partner these days," I told him as I took another swig of beer. Kayce considered this for a minute, and then he held out his hand to me. "I can't promise that I'll be any good, but I'd love it if you'd dance with me". I was beaming as I took his hand and let him lead me to the dance floor. He was right; his dancing skills weren't the best, but anybody in the bar could tell that he was trying his best and that he was having the time of his life. I will say he was a great slow dancer though. When the last few beats of the slow song played, Kayce dipped me down toward the floor and when he brought me back up his lips were inches from mine. "What are you waiting for?" I questioned. "Your permission," he said before tipping his hat back and pressing his lips to mine in the most electrifying kiss. 

Lee Dutton 

I had to give it to Lee, this was easily the best picnic spot in Montana...that I had ever seen at least. The fact that it was peacefully tucked away from the busy hustle and bustle of the park, and on the edge of the river that flowed through the park made this spot hard to beat. We spent the day in the shade of the weeping willow enjoying all of the wonderful picnic snacks that Lee had brought, drinking sparkling wine and talking about everything and anything and just getting to know one another more. It had been the most blissful afternoon of my life and was easily the most perfect first date that I had ever been on. Before today, I would never have described my ideal example of romance to be "cuddling under a willow tree" but only because I had never thought that something so wonderful and intimate could really be my dating life.

I was laying with my head in Lee's lap while he played with pieces of my hair when we realized that the sun was starting to set. "Looks like the sun's setting, we better get a move on," Lee said as he tried to get up. I resisted, not letting him up. "(Y/n) I'd stay here all damn night if you wanted to, but neither of us are dressed for that and I don't have an extra blanket, we'll freeze to death if we don't get going soon," he said as he brushed his fingers along my cheek. I resisted still. He got up easily this time, reminding me that he was much stronger than me. "Come on, up ya go," he said as he gently pulled me to my feet. "I wish we didn't have to go so soon," I remarked as I helped him pack up. "We've been here all day," he said with a laugh. I just shrugged, "I know, but it never feels like enough time," I said. He nodded in agreement. "I know you don't want the day to end, but I'm hoping it can at least end on a good note. I know it might sound cheesy to ask, but I'm asking anyways: can I kiss you?" My cheeks warmed at this. "Only if you say I can see you again soon," I said. Lee held his hands up "As soon as I'm free, I'm all yours" he promised. Both of us were still smiling as our lips met in a kiss that was the perfect mix of passion and intimate. 

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