How You Hug

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A/N: Damn I'm really on a roll with these preferences today lol. I can't sleep so I'm just gonna keep pumping them out until the keyboard starts to look blurry and I can't keep my eyes open any longer. This is also one of those types of preferences that doesn't work in my preferred narrative which is first person P.O.V, and some of these won't so you'll have to bear with it, my apologies. 

Word Count: 280 

Rip Wheeler

Rip's style of hugging can most accurately be described as a bear hug. He likes to wrap you up in his arms, hold you close, and squeeze you tight. Everything about it radiates love, and as breathtaking as it can be because Rip is a big strong man, it lets you know that you're completely safe and no harm can come to your as long as you're in his arms. 

Kayce Dutton 

Kayce is a very affectionate man, and it seems that he's always hugging you in one way or another. Whether it's a hug from behind or one arm slung over your shoulders so that he can pull you in closer to him when you're together, Kayce just likes having his arms around you, always reminding you that he's right there with you. 

Lee Dutton 

Lee gives the kind of hugs that always seemed to create the most beautiful and intimate moments between the two of you. They usually started with him pulling you in and holding you close as he rested his chin on your head. The world just seemed to slow down for a bit, as if it was only the two of you that existed in that moment. 

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