The First I Love You

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A/N: This week has been absolute hell on earth but I'm really lucky to have great friends who support me as much as they do, both in my personal life and in my writing adventures. Y'all know who you are, and I'm thankful for you every damn day <3

Word Count: 1,273 

Rip Wheeler

I peeled the curtains back in Rip's living room, and one quick glance was enough to let me know that outside was the last place I wanted to be. Loud claps of thunder echoed across the ranch, the sky was illuminated with lightning and it was raining harder than I had seen in ages. Keys in hand I contemplated the distance between the house and my truck, and how soaked I would be before I made it inside the truck. The thought alone was enough to chill me to the bone and I shivered.

I walked to the fireplace in an attempt to get rid of my chill. "You cold?" Rip asked, noticing that I was standing by the fireplace shivering slightly. I nodded and he beckoned for me to follow him to the couch. He laid down first, I followed and curled up with him. He threw a big plush blanket over both of us and pulled me in closer. "I wish I didn't have to go out there. Just thinking about it gives me the chills" I said as another clap of thunder echoed outside causing me to creep just a bit closer to Rip. Rip was quiet for a moment as he considered what I said, running his fingers through my hair as he did. "Then why leave at all?" He said nonchalantly.

I sat up a bit in surprise. Rip and I had been together for a while and he had never suggested I stay over before, and neither had I. He nodded. "Times got away from us and it's late. And besides, I like having you here. We can sleep down here by the fireplace if you want" he suggested, sounding hopeful. I placed my head down on his chest and wrapped my arms around him, pulling the blankets tighter. We settled into a comfortable silence, and Rip continued to play with my hair until I was barely awake. And just when I was barely hanging on to consciousness, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my head. "I love you (Y/n). More than you'll ever know" I curled in even closer to him. "I love you too Rip," I said before finally drifting off to sleep in his arms. 

Kayce Dutton 

Kayce stirring awake is what woke me up. In the last few weeks, I had taken to spending my weekends on the ranch with Kayce just so we could spend a little bit of extra time together. My work schedule very rarely lined up with his, and after stressful weeks at work it was nice to have something to look forward to. Not to mention falling asleep beside him was a huge bonus. The only downfall was that Kayce woke up so goddamn early, even when he "had the day off" because it was just a force of habit for him. And even when he was supposed to be off he usually ended up working.

Kayce kissed me good morning, I kissed him back, grumbled something about it being too early for anyone to be awake, and rolled over and tried to go back to sleep. But like most mornings, Kayce was determined to get an early start to his day, meaning he would try encouraging me to do the same. "I'm gonna go cook us some breakfast, I started the shower for you," Kayce said, giving me one last kiss before heading down to the kitchen. As much as I despised waking up this early, I had to give him credit for always remembering that I liked to start my mornings with a hot shower and breakfast.

By the time trudged into the bathroom, it was already warm and steamy. When I was almost done, I heard the bathroom door open as Kayce slipped in. "Just wanted to bring you a fresh towel and let you know that breakfast is almost ready" I let him know that I would be down to join him in a few minutes, and hurried to finish up; Kayce was an incredible cook. I had just finished getting dressed when I looked at the bathroom mirror and saw that it read "I love you (Y/n)" in the steam. I squealed and hurried out of the bathroom, rushing down the stairs two at a time. Kayce was in the middle of putting our plates on the table, trying to ask me if I wanted coffee or orange juice but I cut him off with a kiss. "I love you too Kayce," I said as I threw my arms around him. 

Lee Dutton 

I couldn't believe what I had just heard. Lee was going away for a bit. I knew that it wasn't the end of the world and that he wouldn't even be gone for two weeks, it was ten days total but it felt weird to know that he wouldn't be around for a while. Ever since we had met, the two of us had been inseparable and had spent most of if not all of our free time together. Trying to fathom that I wouldn't have him around for a while was incredibly difficult. Not to mention he had basically just found out that he was leaving and that he would be leaving almost immediately.

I stood in his bedroom looking crushed as I watched him hurry around the room trying to pack. When he caught a glimpse of my sad expression, his face softened and he was by my side in a few strides. "I'll be back before you know it. And I'll call every night" he promised as he pulled me into him, rubbing my back reassuringly. "I know. I've just grown used to how comforting it is to have you around all the time. It'll be weird without you..." I trailed off as I hurried my face in his chest. He pulled back so that he could look at me better. "I'm gonna miss you every moment that I'm gone." He promised as he pulled me in for another hug. A knock on the door let us know that it was time for him to go. I followed Lee out to his porch for one last round of hugs, kisses, and goodbyes before I watched him get in the truck and drive away.

On the day Lee was meant to come home, I woke up when the sun rose, ate breakfast, and took my coffee to the porch to keep a watchful eye over the ranch's long winding driveway. Since I didn't know for sure when Lee would be home, I was determined to be outside and waiting when he did. Finally, just before dinner, I could see his truck pulling up the driveway. I ran down the porch steps excitedly and stood in the driveway waiting. He was alone, so he must have dropped everyone else off already. He didn't even bother to turn the truck off before getting out and running over to me. I rushed at him and launched myself into his arms. "I never want to leave you again, I love you too much for that." He said when he finally let me go. "Oh, Lee I love you too. Next time I'm coming with you." I declared, never wanting to be apart from him that long again. "Deal," he pulled me back into him. 

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