His First Thoughts

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A/N: This is a fun little thing I did in my MCU book because I thought it would be fun to "get the guy's perspectives" since I don't write imagines or anything from their P.O.V, and it was something that my friend had suggested once, so I decided to play around with it and people really liked that brief glimpse into a new perspective so obviously it was something I just HAD to do in this book as well! I can only hope it fares as well with readers of this book! 

Word Count: 488 

Rip Wheeler

"Holy hell who is that? Anybody hanging out with Beth Dutton has got to be bad news and I should probably stay far away from her. But how the hell am I supposed to do that when she's one of the only people in this bar who isn't dancing and doesn't look like she's having a good time? I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful woman in my life, and I know I'll kick myself if I let her get away before I had the chance to ask her for a dance, or if I let her leave without having a little bit of fun tonight. This is easily going to end up going down as one of the most foolish and impulsive things I've done, but I'm inexplicably drawn to her. I have to have at least one dance" 

Kayce Dutton 

"I couldn't help but notice the woman in front of me in line at the coffee shop was incredibly pretty. It had been a long time since I had seen someone so breathtakingly beautiful, and I was desperately trying to come up with something that I could say to her to get the conversation going, but I was a bit out of practice apparently. I couldn't help but overhear her telling the barista that she had forgotten her wallet in her office across the stress. I have to seize the opportunity while it presents itself...should I step in and pay for her coffee? Maybe find a way to leave my number in the process?

Lee Dutton

"My sister must be up to something truly ridiculous this time if she's expecting me to bring her flowers that she was highly allergic to. Then again, this is Beth and I became accustomed to this years ago. It would be nice to have dinner with her, even if the circumstances surrounding it were a bit strange. That's weird...that certainly isn't my sister sitting at the table the hostess brought me to. I had given Beth's name when I walked in, maybe there had been a mistake or she had misheard me? I was about to ask, and then the most beautiful woman I had ever seen looked up from her seat and the table I was standing in front of, and suddenly it didn't matter if I was possibly in the wrong place..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2023 ⏰

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