He Asks You to Be His Girlfriend

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FUN FACT: Did you know that your author here has NEVER ridden a horse before? My dad is highly allergic to them so I've never been allowed near them. Although horseback riding is one thing that I'd LOVE to try one day!

Word Count: 1,138 

Rip Wheeler

The sun warmed my face and the mountain air pulled gently at the ends of my loose hair as I made my way across the field to Rip's place. Ever since our incredible star gazing date a few weeks ago it had become an unspoken, daily tradition that I met Rip at his place and we sat on the steps, drank a few beers, and watched the sunset until the stars came out. It was something that I looked forwards to every day and was usually the first thing I thought about when I woke up in the morning.

When I got close enough, I noticed that Rip was waiting for me on the steps, which was out of the ordinary. When he saw me he got up and closed the distance between us. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head for a minute."C'mon, I've got somethin' for ya" he said after kissing my temple and taking my hand in his to leading me towards the house. Still holding my hand, he reached around me and pushed the door open. What I saw inside was enough to stop me in my tracks.

The only light inside was being provided by candles that Rip had strategically placed, and the dining table was adorned with a bottle of champagne, more candles, and my favorite dinner. "Rip...I-...wow" I breathed out as I took a tentative step inside so that I could admire everything. "All of this? Just for me?" I asked as I turned to look at him. "Mmm Hmm," he said from the doorway where he was standing. "Don't get me wrong, this is amazing but can I ask why?" He crossed the room and wrapped me in his arms again. "Cause there's something important I've been wanting to ask you and I figured I may as well make a spectacle of it," he said, looking into my eyes as I encouraged him to go on. "Since the moment I met you, I just knew. And I've spent every minute since trying to find the nerve. (Y/n) will you be my girlfriend?" He asked a hint of nerves in his voice. "Rip I would love nothing more than that," I said I sealed the deal with a kiss. 

Kayce Dutton

I was currently sitting at my desk wondering if my boss would notice or care if I threw my computer and monitor out the window of our office building. The stupid thing had not stopped binging with emails and notifications for meetings all day and I was getting sick and tired of hearing from it. I hadn't been this busy and stressed out at work since the fateful day I met Kayce at the coffee shop almost a month ago.

Remembering how my need for a break had led to one of the best run-ins of my life reminded me that it would be good for me to take one now. Since my first meeting with Kayce had been on my mind, I decided that I would take a short break at the coffee shop that had brought us together in the first place. And as luck would have it, I got a text from Kayce when I was on my way out of the building that read, "I'm in town for a bit, want to grab a quick coffee?" I replied to let him know that I would love that and hurried along to meet up with him.

When I got there, Kayce had already gotten us a table outside on the patio. I noticed that he had also gone ahead and ordered my favorite for me; he loved treating me whenever he could. It was nice to take this break away from work with him, and I could feel my stress melting away the more time I spent with Kayce. When I put down my coffee cup I noticed that there was something written on it. It read (Y/n) will you be my girlfriend" on it in Kayce's familiar scrawl. My eyes widened and my heart fluttered. "Kayce are you serious?" I asked excitedly. "Sure am. So what do you say?" He asked me. "How could I ever say no," I said as I reached over to give him a kiss. 

Lee Dutton 

I stared up at the large horse in front of me, wondering what the hell I had gotten myself into. When I had accidentally let it slip to Lee that I had never ridden a horse in my lifetime, he had practically stopped in his tracks. He had vowed to fix that immediately, and before I could think any harder about it, I had agreed to accompany him on an early morning trail ride. But I had never been up close and personal with a horse before and hadn't realized how big they really were. Although I couldn't deny that they were beautiful.

Lee popped his head up from the other side of the horse where he had been busy sneaking stuff into his saddlebag. "If you're nervous, we don't have to do this today. It takes time to get used to them if you've never ridden before" he insisted, not wanting to push my limits. I assured him that I would be fine and that I really did want to try. Lee assured me that if I was even the least bit uncomfortable, we would stop and head back to the ranch. He helped me onto the horse first and then swiftly climbed on behind me. His arms wrapped around me to grab the reins, making me feel even more secure.

And then we were off. It didn't take me long to realize that I had nothing to be afraid of and that I was not only perfectly safe, but I was also having an incredible time. I leaned back so that I was resting against Lee's chest and just enjoyed the ride until we got where Lee was planning on taking us. When we made it, Lee jumped off first and then helped me down. I wandered away from him a bit to get a better view of the incredible scenery. When I turned around, Lee was holding out a bouquet of (your favorite flowers) to me. "There's five. One for every date we've been on, and one more to mark the occasion of me officially asking you to be my girlfriend." Naturally, there was only one correct answer to his question. 

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