Chapter 1

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On the small screen of the small video camera showed two small children and their smiley dad running around with superhero capes and light-sabers. The children's squeaky laughter made the screen shake as the mother controlling the camera laughed. The camera moved to the left and showed a man that had similarities to the father. He was a bit scruffy and slowly growing a mustache. He smiled brightly as he held his only daughter who was a bit younger than her.

The small children are Owen and y/n Swan. They smiled for their family and it always felt like home when they stayed with their uncle Charlie Swan. One of Charlie’s best friends was the other father. Despite the divorces and children in Phoenix it was always happy…

Keyword: was…

-2008, Present Day-

The little boy is now older. The 14 year old with curly hair and leather walked around the familiar house with the same camera from long ago. The house that used to be somewhere existing to visit now became too familiar and permanent. The boy Owen walked around and the only vision he had of what he saw was through the tiny video camera. He walked around like the Swan home was something to document or something important. In all honesty the home was important but it sadly became a strong reminder of what’s lost.

“And…we’re rolling,” Owen whispered as he pointed the camera at the cracked mirror. His reflection showed as he showed a slight smirk like he was proud of what he had become. It wasn’t something grand but you should be proud of him for being him. In the reflection you see his chocolate brown eyes shielded by his steampunk goggles he always wears around his neck; a silver Jason Voorhees mask necklace is also always there too. His torso was clothed by a faded forest green crewneck and a black and white flannel that had few rips and noticeable stitches. It was his fathers flannel.

Owen mumbled some commentary for his video as he shuffled down the creaking hallway as he would occasionally point the camera left or right to show a few family photos.

“Moring” Owen said using his best George Weasley impression as he pointed the camera in his sister's room. His sister, now 18, sighed as she looked up from her sketchbook and pulled off her headphones(Probably listening to Elvis Presley). She sighed at him but still held a smile for her little brother.

“What are you doing Owen?” she asked. Owen didn’t answer right away and turned the camera around so both siblings were in the shot. “We're here in the rainy town of Forks and today we are lucky enough to talk to one  of the local residents, anything to declare?”

She looked up and smiled. “I hate you,” she joked. Owen smiled and held his thumb up. “Love ya too sis”

Owen paused the recording and looked up at y/n as she slipped an old Elvis ‘68 comeback hoodie she stole from her grandfather long ago. She dreaded the day as she looked out the window, it was pouring down rain and it looked like it wasn’t gonna stop anytime soon.

“You okay?” Owen asked as he studied all the posters and art that was plastered all along her new room. There were a few horror movie posters here and there along with a few Harry Potter and Elvis Presley art.

Owen had taken the move particularly well, a little too well. That's what everyone else sees, but on the inside he felt like he was being swallowed from the inside out. He wanted to move on and live and make sure y/n did the same. That's what their mom and dad would have wanted.

“I'm fine, you want some breakfast?” she asked, walking past her brother. She stopped in the entryway and softly smiled. “You can record it if you want”

Owen’s heart slightly shook at how much that sounded like mom. That would be a running thing she would often tell y/n as she would always carry around that same camera. She wanted to be a filmmaker and special effect artist. Her mother was her biggest supporter and as the support faded away Owen picked up the camera and tried to give her the support she lost.

y/n guilt silently consumed her and if you looked at her you would never know. She jogged down the stairs and went into the kitchen as Owen recorded. As the siblings made it into the kitchen Owen set the camera on the counter that pointed at the oven. “This is cooking with the swan’s part…I dont know”
y/n pulled out some eggs, bacon, and some frozen hash browns. The two continued to cook while also keeping their voices down as their uncle Charlie was probably still asleep.

“Oh good you guys are up” Charlie said suddenly as he entered the kitchen in his work uniform. “Hay, uncle charles, you hungry” Owen smiled as he gave him a plate of food.

“Thanks kid” he mumbled as he poured himself some coffee. He leaned against the counter and sighed as he looked between the two siblings.

“After work I'm gonna get Bella from the airport” the siblings both nodded. The silence broke again as he shared looks with the both of them. “I want you guys to start school with her”

Owen and y/n shared concerned looks. It's been about two months and Charlie has been extremely understanding but staying at the house for hours on in and having to mentally prepare themselves to get in the car wasn’t healthy for anyone. They both knew it. Charlie wanted them to get on with their lives and be normal teens. But normal isn't going through the loss they did..but being a shapeshifter wasn’t normal either, at least to outsiders it wasn’t.

“I want to say I'm proud of you both…you’ve been handling the changes quite well and i think it would be good for the both of you to start school fresh with bella” charlie said.
“Okay…but don't get all mushy on us now uncle Charlie” Owen jokes. y/n giggled and charlie’s mouth broke into a smile.

“You guys know what I mean.. And thank for all your help getting things ready for her to come, i really appreciated it”

“Sure” y/n smiled.

“Of course,” Owen added.

Charlie nodded and pulled them both into a hug. “I know its hard, I miss them too”
“And promise me that both of you will try” Charlie added, both of the siblings nodded with solemn expressions. Charlie then said his good-byes to the both of them and headed to work.

As the door latched shut Owen clapped his hands together. “So…whatcha want to do today? Go to the res? Watch movies? Commit a felony?” y/n laughed at the last suggestion as she walked into the living room.

“Harry Potter marathon?” she suggested. Owen sighed kinda disappointed about being cooped up yet another day but he didn’t plan on leaving his sister today.

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