Chapter 10

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When I finally drifted to sleep I was woken up by my phone. I answered it without looking at the caller ID.
"hello?" I asked groggy with my face in my pillow. "hay little wolf, sorry to wake you but we need your help" Sam said on the other side.

"what's the matter?" I asked setting up. "some unwelcomed vampires are running around not sure if they're part of the Cullen clan or not but we're gathering up the pack to check it out."

"okay I'll help" I nodded. "phase and meet me and Paul about five miles away from the Black's house" I nodded and hung up the phone. I sighed as the clock mocked me with the fact it was 2 in the morning. I tiptoed to my door and stuck my head out to see it completely bear and quite. I sighed and relief as I shut it gently then hopped out of my window.

I started off with a sprint then quickly changed to my four paws. My my black and white fur covered my skin and I was off to fine the rest of the pack.

"what's going on?" I asked the black wolf that knew as Sam. The gray wolf next to him was Paul.

"keep an eye on things and get ready sam said. We all kept quiet and was aware of everything.

"on your left Paul!" I said charging with him after I heard at least three people running fast than the speed of light. The rest of the pack was quick to go after us. After awhile a few extra people joined the party.

"it's the cullens, don't attack" Sam ordered. "it's just the leeches" Jared grounds.

I some how got ahead of the others and was on the red head's tail. The closer I got the madder I got. "Shelby your about to go in leech territory!" Paul shouted. Before I could stop I felt a punch to the side and was flung backwards into a tree. I guy with red eyes and blond hair charged at me. I stood back up on my paws ready to fight but the guy was flung backwards. It was Emmett. He stood there ready to protect me as I stood up trying to regain my strength back.

The pack suddenly came to a stop when the found me and strongest Cullen. They all tensed when they saw Emmett rubbing my head. "she Imprinted" Sam said.

"with who? The leech?" Paul growled. Sam's black wolf pushed Paul to the side and walked out to me and Emmett. I slightly growled and stood in front of Emmett.

"guy's go back to Billy's" Sam ordered. The pack left hestently. I could feel and hear all there disponted and judgy remarks. Sam went behind and tree and quickly came back in his human form.

"I just want to have a civil talk with the both of you and Dr. Cullen." Emmett nodded before placing his blue hoodie on my back knowing my clothes will be shredded when I phased back to human.  I left both boys alone and quickly phased back to human and slipped the humongous blue hoodie over my body. It was basically a dress on my but hell it was warm and smelled like his comforting sint.

I came back and thankfully Emmett and Sam were both keeping it civil. "sooo.. What now?" I asked rolling up the sleeves of the hoodie.

"Emmett will carlisle be willing to discuss this matter?" Sam asked. Emmett nodded. "he won't have a problem at all, we'll meet him at the border" Sam only nodded as we head to our destination.

"good evening Sam" carlisle smiled as he stood on his side of the border with Emmett. "Dr. Cullen" Sam. Spoke as he stood next to me on his side.

"how would you like to handle this?" Sam asked. Carlisle crossed his arms and looked at Emmett. "they're mates, we can't keep them from seeing each other"

"agreed, it's dangerous for imprints to stay away from each other, emotionally at least" I titled my head to the side questioning my cousin.

"what do you mean?" me and Emmett asked at the same time. "you can't stay away from your imprint. The legends say it's emotionally painful"

"we can't keep them from seeing each other" Carlisle said. "agreed, but the treaty still stands" Sam said.

"Shelby your aloud in our territory when ever you want.. If that's okay with you Sam?" carlisle asked trying not to cause any issues.

"that's alright but the pack might have a problem with Emmett in our territory but to keep things civil between both sides the treaty stands" Sam said. The two men continued to Converse and that's when I started to tune things out. When I looked at Emmett all I could think of is i expected this to take an ugly turn.

"we should let them talk" carlisle said looking between me and Emmett. Sam nodded. "when your Done come by Emily's I'll cover for you if you get in trouble with Charlie I'll cover for you" I nodded as Sam ran off.

Carlisle gave me kind smile before leaving. Emmett sighed and walked over to me with a smile. "hay"

"hay" I responded. He sat down on a stump and then gestured for me to set next to him. "so what should be talk about?" Emmett asked and I shrugged.

"is it worth it to you?" I asked. He raised an eye brow. "not holding anything back are you" he joked I looked down at my hands. He sighed and placed his massive hand under my chin and flitted it up. "I'd go to hell and back for you if I'm honest"

"later tonight you asked me if I felt the connection between us.... I do Emmett but I'm scared for your safety" I admitted.

"nothing is gonna hurt us" he promised. I nodded with a tired smile. My eyes fluttered close but I quickly snapped them open trying to fight the erg to sleep.

"let's get to home, you're exhausted" Emmett said softly and placed his icy hand on my cheek. "okay" I said as he gently picked my up like a baby. I smiled into his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"okay" he whispered back.


woke up the next morning in my bed still curled up in the hoodie Emmett gave me. My head throbbed from the lack off sleep. I just wanted to sleep. I buried my head into my pillow trying to get at least few more minutes. My wish wasn't granted when my door bursted opened.

“wake up sis! We're gonna be late” my brother slightly shouted and shook my shoulder. Then there was a honk. Me and Owen raced to my window and saw a white jeep. “and Emmett Cullen is here... Why is he here?” Owen asked. I shrugged then pushed him out of my room to get ready.

I shedded the hoodie and quickly changed into some jeans and a red flannel. I raced down stairs and before I could get out the day uncle Charlie stopped me. “who's outside?” 

“Emmett Cullen he's giving me a ride” I said truthfully.

“You've been hanging out with him a lot lately... And what's wrong with your impala?” Charlie said.

“Nothing... Don't worry uncle we're just friends” i didn't know who I was lying to more, me or him. He didn't say anything else and let me go.

“hay beautiful” he smirked as gave him a hug before climbing into the jeep. “you want a ride too, Owen?” I hear Emmett ask after he closed the door. Seconds later Owen  jumped into the backseat.

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