Chapter 12

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“Owen, y/n, get out of the car!” mom shouted as I heard glass shatter and water slashing everywhere. My back collided with the back window and I flew out of the car and into the water.

“Owen give me your hand” I said with a sob. I pulled him out and he landed into the water with a slap as I turned to my mom. I grabbed her hand trying to pull her out. “hold on momma”

“baby it's okay” she said softly.

“mom!” I shouted setting up from my bed. I immediately regretted the sudden moments as I felt a sting in my head. I looked around patting as I stared at my dark room.

“y/n?” I felt a cold hand on my shoulder suddenly. I flinched and saw Emmett by my side.

“How did you get in here?” I asked. "the window.. Are you okay?” he asked concern, lacing his voice.

I nodded. “bad dream... That's all'” I scooted so my back was up against my head board. He followed in suit and kept his eyes on me.
“I wanted to check on you,” he explained.

Before I knew it he was in a flash at the sound of my bedroom door creaking open. “y/n?”  Charlie asked in a groggy voice. His presents made me look around; there was no trace of Emmett being there except for a window I barely opened. I looked back at my uncle and lied back down.

“Im okay, just a dream”  charlie sighed and sat at the foot of my bed. “Is it the same dream?” he asked.

I nodded fiddling with the end of my blanket. Charlie opened his mouth to talk but it closed as a sleepy and worried Owen walked in. “y/n, you alright”

I looked towards my door and Owen was standing there with an annoyed Bella behind him. I went to speak  ut charlie beat me too it. “She's fine guys, go back to bed”

The two did as they were told and quietly went to bed. “I'm fine, really” I mumbled.charlie mummed a small okay and went to bed.

I slowly sat up from my bed and looked around for the unexpected guest. There was no sound or clue stating he was still here.
“Close call,” he said suddenly.

I jumped as he stuck his head through the window. I slightly shook my head and smiled as I entered my room once again and closed the window. He turned around and flashed me a smile showing the dimples I loved so much.  I scooted over to one side of the bed and patted the empty spot.

“Care to join me?” He slowly climbed in and lay down on his side facing me. His movements were extremely slow, like he was afraid the bed would explode if he moved wrong. He kept a few inches between us but his massive hand was reached out carefully playing with the ends of my hair. He stared intensely like something weighed heavy on his shoulders.

“What are you thinking about?” I whispered.
He shook his head slightly and smiled. “Just you”

Then there was a pause. “I was scared of losing you,” he admitted. I wiggled closer to him then pulled him closer by his white shirt so we met in the middle.

“I'm okay…we're okay” I said resting my head on his hard chest. “I'm just a bit shaken up”
His arm wrapped around me and his hand gently ran up and down my back. His gentle actions loathed me to sleep. The comfort he gave made me feel truly safe, the safest I felt in a long time. This felt too good to be true.


Emmett drove me to school the next morning. My biology class had a field trip so we had to get there a tad bit early.

“thanks for the ride” I smiled and kissed Emmett on the cheek. “have fun” he smiled as I clicked out of his jeep to meet up with Rosalie, Damon, and Stefan. The group of us hid in a corner as Mr. Molino shouted at everyone for permission slips.

“what's up kid?” Mike said coming up to me and Rosalie. “You're alive!” he said mimicking Victor Frankenstein. Rosalie rolled her eyes and Damon tried not to laugh at Mike's lousy attempts to flirt.

“so I was wondering if you maybe want to go to prom?” he asked. My eyes widened and that's when damon's laughter busted out. Mike tried to give him a death glare but Damon was far to go to pay attention.

“sorry about him” I smiled. “umm I can't I have something going on that day”

Rosalie came to my rescue and put her arm on my shoulder. “we're going to Alaska that week to see our cousins and Emmett wanted her to tag along”

“you can't go another week?” he asked softly.

“nope” Rosalie said very bluntly.

Before Mike was about to walk off but I stopped him. “you should ask Bella I think she needs a date and a distraction” he smiled and walked off.

“you know she gonna turn him down too, right?” Alice said coming up with Jasper. I shrugged “as long as he's not bothering me were good.”

Besides I'm still waiting for Emmett to ask me

“he'll ask you soon enough” Alice referring to Emmett with a smile. I nodded believing her.

“Y/n how you feeling?” Angela asked coming up to me with Eric. Eric looked at the group I was with kinda shocked. “guy, this is Eric and Angela”

"nice to meet you" Alice smiled. Eric nodded before hitting my shoulder slightly. “see ya later”

“he's jealous” Jasper mumbled. That made Angela look down. I sighed and gave her a side hug. Eric could be a real idiot sometimes.

"who's jealous?" Edward said returning to the group. “y/n's friend" Stefan mumbled.

“guys let's go!” Mr. Molina shouted making our conversation take a pause. That was also our signal to get in the bus for the field trip.

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