Chapter 2

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The smell of buttered popcorn filled the area and the only sounds to be heard was the clicking and patterning of the rain hitting the roof and the unsettling music and screams that echoed from the flat screen as the siblings watched Halloween.

Owen and Y/n silently sit on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn between them. There were no words exchanged except for the occasional laugh if something cheesy or gorry came on. Owen would occasionally look out of the soaked window and silently waited for their cousin's arrival.

Owen didn’t know how to feel. He barely remembered Balla for the past seven months; it had just been him, Charlie, and y/n together. He sure as hell didn’t know how y/n felt about Bella, she barely talked about her or the move. But he can vaguely remember the arguments Bella and Y/n would have.

“Are you excited about Bella?” Owen asked, breaking the silence. y/n didn’t take her eyes off the screen as she simply shrugged. “I guess I am…we’re not that close”

“It should be fine right?” Owen asked. Y/n smiled and nodded. “Of course , everything will be great”

She didn’t know who she was trying to reassure, herself or owen. All she knew was Bella was moving in and they were starting school. She dreaded going to the damn school. She was smart for her age and a good student but she didn’t want all the pitty and sad stairs.
Her thoughts were cut off as her phone buzzed her a notification. She looked down and saw it was her other cousin sam. She smiled immediately, it was like an invasion she didn’t realize she needed till now. She realized she needed a reason other than school or bella to get out of the house.

“Game night at Emily’s, you and Owen in?”

“Sure, be over in a few”

Owen looked at her as he slowly chewed on some popcorn. “Who’s that?”

“Sam, we’re going ove for game night” she said getting up. Owen mentally jumped for joy at the thought of leaving the same four walls he spent so much time in.

“You mean we’re finally getting out of the house!? Yes!” he said fist pumping in the air but immediately stopped when something slightly important crossed his mind. “Wait..what about Bella and Charlie?”

y/n shrugged as she pulled her leather jacket on. “We’ll leave a note.. And Bella doesn't need a welcoming committee, she probably doesn't even want to come”

Owen nodded as he set the now empty bowl and grabbed his own coat and his(y/n) video camera.

The siblings entered her forgotten impala as they climbed in and y/n started the engine her heart started moving faster than a weed eater as the engine rumbled and Elvis presley’s “all shook up” played. She stopped for a moment and gripped the steering wheel as she spaced out.

“n/n?” Owen said softly but he didn’t receive an answer.

“y/n '' he nudged her, knocking her back to reality. She hummed a response and looked over at her little brother. “You okay? We can ask one of the boys to pick us up if you don't want to drive”

She quickly shook her head and put the car in reverse. “Im fine, let's roll” she said as the siblings set off on their adventure.


“y/n!” Paul shouted as he happily raced out the door and engoled y/n into a hug the second she left her impala. She giggled and hung onto him as he spun her around. “Damn, i missed you”

She smiled as he set her down. “I missed you too pauley” Owen got out of the car and fist-bumped Paul. “How's it goin’ kid?”

y/n raised an eyebrow and awkwardly chuckled. “You're in a good mood '' Paul smiled and wrapped his arm around her. “Can i just be happy to see my bestest friend” she laughed and playfully hit him in the chest as they entered Emily’s rustic home.

She smiled as she smelled fried chicken and cinnamon rolls in the air. She looked around the familiar home as boyish laughter filled the air.

“Look who's back!” Jared beamed.
“Finally coming out of hibernation?” Embry asked which got him a smack upside the head by Sam. as insensitive as the question was given the circumstances it didn’t bother y/n one bit, she was just glad to be around her old friends.

“Hay, sammy” y/n smiled as she hugged her cousin. Sam and y/n are related through her mother. She was a Uley and the little sister of Sam’s absent father. The two were close and alway had each other's backs. He was there when the grieving was heavy which resulted in phasing into the pure white wolf she is now. She was always there to tell him he wasn’t the monster he thought he was.
Sam ruffled Owen’s hair as he led them into the kitchen where Emily had prepared a buffet of finger food for game night.

“Hey sweety” she smiled and hugged me. “I missed you so much”
After the rest of the guest arrived, jacob and the clearwater kids the group ate all of Emily’s good food.

The night was full of laughter and that was saying a lot considering y/n hasn't laughed this hard in a while. The night consisted of different board games and card games. Uno was unfortunately cut short after Jared tackled Jacob to the ground for giving him three +4 cards but then the group agreed to play monopoly but that also turned into a friendly argument.

It was around midnight when y/n and Owen got a call telling them it was time to come home. Paul offered to drive them home as y/n was still nervous to drive in the darker times of the night.

“ starts tomorrow right?” Paul whispered so he didn’t wake up Owen who was asleep in the back seat. y/n nodded with a frown. “Yeah…fun, fun”

“Too bad you're not going to school on the reservation…at least you’d know someone” Paul said.

“I'll be okay, I have Bella and an old friend of mine…it's Owen I'm worried about” she said mumbling the last part as she looked over her shoulder at the back seat.

“Everything should be fine,” Y/n said, forcing a smile.
“I hope so,” Paul added.

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