Chapter 13

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When we got there it was nothing extravagant. Just a cold ass greenhouse with muggy walls and soaked flowers. Mr. Molina led the group of us in two lines. Stefan and Edward walked behind Rosalie in silent pain while Alice happily looked at all the flowers with Jasper. He didn’t particularly want to be there and the only smile he had was when he was looking at Alice.

“So how long do you have to wear the brace?” Rosalie asked.

“I'm still acting because after you phase you heal fast, so technically it's fine but people will want to know why it healed so fast” I explained.

Stefan turned around and started walking backwards as he talked to us. “People come out of car crashes all the time without even a scratch, I think your over estimating how many people will actually notice.”

The way he put it particularly bothered me. I tried not to show it given the fact he had no idea and it wasn't really far to him. “That's not always the case Stefan”

Before Stefan could respond Edward hit him in the back of the head and walked away without a word. “What was that for?” I asked.

Rosalie shrugged. “He’s just in one of his moods”

I stayed silent after that, not everyone survives car crashes, my parents didn’t so why did I? Rosalie looked at me and tilted her head giving me a concerned look. I flashed her a smile and silently listened to Mr. Molina as he led us through the greenhouse.

I looked up and saw Bella and Edward a couple of feet ahead of us. He looked slightly annoyed with each other, in fact they just looked annoyed with each other. “He doesn't look happy” I mumbled to Rosalie.

She shrugged. “Told you, it's just one of his moods”

I rolled my eyes and ended it with that as Tyler came up to me with a huge grin and a cup of brown liquid. “What is that?” I asked.

“Compost tea, dare me to drink it?” I laughed but quickly shook my head no.

Rosalie held a small smile but shook her head too as Mr. Molia shouted at us. “Don't drink it! Its for the plants”

The three of us laughed as Tyler gave it to a rose bush like he was instructed. As he left Damon finally returned from God knows where.

“Here you go beautiful” Damon smiled as he handed Rosalie a white rose. I'm pretty sure she’d be bushing if she could. I smiled at the cute gesture as he walked in between us with his arm around Rosalie.

“So are you actually not going to prom?” Damon asked and I just  shrugged. I was waiting for Emmett but then it's months away and the other humans are acting like they're gonna be beheaded if they don't get a date asap.

“I don’t know…i don't care about school activities” i said trying not to look disappointed that Emmett hasn't even given it a thought about us going together. And loud music and a bunch of teenagers in a crowded room has never been my thing.

“Says the one in marching band,” Damon chuckled. Technically marching season ended before I even joined. Rosalie rolled her eyes at Damon but her expression turned soft as she looked at me. “She’s waiting for my idiot brother to ask”

I blushed and looked down at the ground. I almost fell to said ground as Bella slipped and about took me down with her. Damon quickly wrapped his arm around my front and kept me from falling. Rose gave Bella a nasty look as Damon stabled me.

“Sorry” she mumbled over and over.
“It's fine, what do you want?” I asked.

She then looked at me with a panicked look. “Milke Newton asked me to prom”

I smiled and crossed my arms. “I know, your welcome” as Bella's eyes widened Damon and Rosalie tried to fight their laughter.

“Why?!” she asked, panicking like usual.

“What did you say?” Damon asked,

“I told him I was going to Jacksonville”

“What’s in Jacksonville?” Edward said, suddenly appearing next to us. Bella scoffed and walked towards the bus. Edward followed with an annoyed expression.

“He sucks at talking to girls, doesn't he?” I asked.

Damon laughed then turned to me. “Your the only one he doesn't suck at talking to” his laughter got worse as his brother and few humans gave him weird looks.

“Calm down Damon,” Stefan sighed. He was ignored as Daomon rested his forehead on Rosalie’s shoulder trying to talk during his fit of lighter. Damon is definitely the definition of the black sheep of the family. His humor and his ‘I dont give a fuck additued’ made him diffrent from the other Cullens.

“He's chasing this girl around like she something amazing and, and she has the personality of a core chip” Damon said trying to breathe after his happy attack. “He's so freaking whipped”

Even if Rosalie agreed she still hit his shoulder so he would stop. I laughed knowing it was true about my loving cousin, after that ordeal the three of us walked out of the greenhouse since the trip was over. I said my goodbyes to Damon and Rosalie and headed towards Edward.

“Hey, Buddy” I said playfully, nudging him with my shoulder. He smiled at me but then looked up and frowned as Bella quietly walked around. “Do you like my cousin?”

He raised an eyebrow then smiled. “Do you like my brother?” I looked down and blushed.

Yes I do, what's your point?

He chuckled as we walked towards the bus. “You didn’t answer my question” I said to my friend as we stopped at the entrance to the bus. Bella was next to walk up and she looked extremely pissed at the sight she saw. Edward laughing and being ‘normal’ with me really made her blood boil. I didn’t care, she couldn’t tell me who I could and couldn’t be friends with.

“Hey” Alice said softly as she walked up to us with her kind smile. “Are you gonna ride with us?”

Before Bella could answer Edward knocked on the bus door. “No, ours is full” he said bluntly and marched on the bus. I mouthed ‘sorry’ to Bella and got on with Alice.

“Really dude?” I asked with a dry chuckle. Edward sighed as I sat next to him. Alice and Jasper set in the set across from us then Damon and Rosalie sat behind us. After a while Stefan returned as well and sat with me and Edward.

“I just don't know what to say to her,” Edward admitted. I sighed knowing how she felt. Even if I was comfortable with Emmett there were just some things I didn't know how to say.

“Im not good with words either Ed” we both then looked at Stefan. He stayed quiet and shrugged. “My track record sucks, don't come to me for relationship advice”

Our conversation came to a halt as everyone started piling in and the engine started. The bus rumbling made me sick to my stomach. I didn’t know why, I was fine this morning with Emmett but now I feel like I'm about to burst.

Don't crash

Don't crash

Don't crash

I mumbled this in my head over and over as I tapped my foot. Edward places a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay?” he asked as Stefan looked at me worried too.

I shook my head trying to reassure the boys.
“Im fine” I smiled as the bus started to move. Neither one of the boys knew what to do so they looked over to their right where Jasper and Alice were. Jasper looked at me with a kind look and as he did i started to calm down a bit.

The rest of the ride wasn't all that bad Damon continued to make Bella and Edward jokes which did make all of us laugh…all of us except for Edward of course. I felt so weird benign this comfortable with the so called enemy, but I wouldn’t change it for the world now i think about it.

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