Chapter 4

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After we gathered our stuff we headed to English-3. “Mr. Banner this is Y/n Swan” Tyler said as we walked in the classroom.

“ah yes Y/n  you can take a seat next to Emmett" Mr. Banner looked up to the class. “Raise your hand would you please Emmett” I looked around intill is saw a buff teenage boy with black hair Raise his hand.

“well shucks we aren't settling next to each other” I joked to Tyler. “you'll live” he Smiled, pushing me towards my assigned seat.

As soon as I sat down I got a big wif of another vampire. God sometimes I hate being a werewolf but than is it wasn't the bad smell like Edward. The Pack would always talk about how awful they smelled but this it wasn't bad. The smell was a kinda comforting and calming. The smell of old spice and seader wood. I was kinda drawn too it and I kinda freaked me out. Vampire are supposed to stink... Right?

The next smell wasn't too appealing, it was the same smell that surrounded him. The awful smells concluded there was more than one vampire in here.

“hay, I'm Emmett” the gruff voice said. I turned to my left and smiled. “hay I'm y/n” he smiled showing his dempiles which was weirdly adorable.

'wow he's cute' I thought.

I was too shy to make eye contact or anything. He stuck out his hand for me to shake it. I placed my hand in his ice cold hand. It didn't bother me as I already expected it. No other words were exchanged due to the fact Mr. Banner didn't waist any time starting his class and also made sure he used his time to his advantage.

I looked forward trying focaus on the lesson on Hamlet but as I set there I felt his gold eyes on me. I slowly looked in the corner of my eye and as I did Emmett's face shot forward. After a while I looked over to his side of the table and observed for a bit.

He was ridiculously handsome. He had slight boyish looks and he was huge, like superhero build. Everything about him seemed adorable and perfect honestly. The only way could describe him like this: his massive form and Pale skin  kinda remained me of an innocent polar bear cub. He didn't look like he had any agrestion to him. His gold eyes were probably my favorite part of him.

He looked to his his right and tried to catch me while I was staring but i quickly looked away like he did.

He let out a sigh. I expect it to be laced with annoyance but it wasn't at all. Maybe compassion? Kindness? He  looked over at me and like I once did he looked down before I could catch him staring.

When I looked down and I saw a poorly folded paper airplane on my notebook. I knitted my eyebrows together and looked to my left. Tyler pointed to the airplane and shook his hand.

'Why is he staring at you? You know each other?'

I rolled my eyes and flip the note to the other side. I scribbled down my response and folded it back up and launched it back. Before Tyler could open it the bell rang. Emmett got up from his seat and walked around the table.

“see ya around y/n” he smirked and walked out of the classroom. Tyler walked up to me and looked slightly shocked.

“I'm suprised”

“why's that?” I asked walking out of the classroom with him. We stopped by our lockers and Tyler continued to talk as he pulled out his history book. “the Cullens are the quietest people I know and they usually only stick together, but then you show up and they're all warm and friendly”

“Emmett is a cool guy and all, but I just haven't heard much out of 'em” Tyler shrugged. “anyway, the band room is at the end of hall.. Seea at lunch”

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