A Tour Through The Middle.

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Robert grasped Bridget's hand softly, slowing running, showing Bridget around.

"Where are we going?" Bridget finally asked after jogging around with Robert. He seemed like such a friendly man to just grab her hand and show her around.

Bridget thought it was quite adorable, actually.

"You'll see.." Robert replied, glancing over to his left to make eye contact with Bridget, winking at her.

Bridget's cheeks were warm from Robert's glance.

Robert came to a stop at what looked like a wall to Bridget... She could see it was another cloud like wall, that this place was confined in...

"It's a wall?" Bridget asked, confused.

Robert's grin widened from her question.

"No, no... Do you remember how it was leaving Morwin's office?" Robert asked Bee.

"Yes, it just looked like a cloud wall... Like this..." Bridget trailed off.

Bridget became intrigued by these walls that were translucent. She set the palm of her hand on the cloud "wall." Instead of her palm being placed firmly on a regular wall, her hand went right through this one, startling her.

"Oh, wow." Bridget spoke underneath her breath, fascinated with this enchanting place.

Robert was smiling from ear to ear as he watched Bridget's sweet, captivated expression from this strange but magnificent place.

"It's another entry, Bridget.. Are you ready to check it out?"

Bridget glanced over to Robert after staring at her hand getting enveloped by the cloud, and somehow Bee couldn't get her eyes off of Robert now.

She just stared at this strange man, but Bee could literally feel his kind nature come off of him, like he was glowing with that loving kindness... Bridget couldn't figure out why she could feel so much love come flowing from him, but it was heavenly to Bee.

Bridget noticed Robert had an adorable smirk appear on his radiant face. Robert half smiled with a little sparkle in his eye, as he raised his eye brows up and down, patiently waiting for a response from Bridget.

Bee shook her head, coming out of the beautiful trance she was just in from gazing at Robert.

"S-sorry.. I.. I didn't mean to.. -"

"Bridget, you don't have to be sorry." Robert simply replied, making Bridget feel more comfortable around him.

"You ready?" Robert repeated, kindly.

"Yes.. Yeah I am." Bridget replied as the corners of her mouth turned into a small, cute smile, and it made Robert's heart almost melt in two.

Robert grasped Bee's hand once more, tightening his grip as they entered the cloud like entry, and they both could feel enchated by each other's presence.

This is always going to confuse me... Bridget thought to herself as Robert walked through the transparent wall, and she shortly followed after, feeling her hand slightly get tugged by Robert.

When Bridget entered another room of the middle, her eyes bounced around the place that she had just entered, she wasn't even sure if this was still, the middle. This place was covered in the most beautiful and crisp water...

There was a huge pool of water in the middle of this place, and acres and acres upon land that were waterfalls instead of land, as far as the eye could see, and the water from those waterfalls would trickle into the mass pool of water, that looked to Bridget like a lake, or maybe even an ocean...

The Middle Realm (Robert Downey Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now