We're Off To See The Wizard.

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"Oh my god! That's terrible... But really funny!" Bridget laughed and laughed, feeling her stomach muscles aching from Robert's silly jokes that caused her to laugh so hard she could barely catch her breath.

Robert had a million of these jokes and he didn't want to stop because he knew Bridget had his kind of sense of humor, and because he loved to hear Bridget laugh. Her skin would almost start glowing once he got her giggling up a storm, and that made Robert happy. He was still unsure on why Bridget has such an impact on his own feelings, yet he knew she was special in someway. Bridget had seemed so low when he had first met her, only a few hours ago. Although, now she seemed to Robert like her mood had lightened up, and she was smiling more often. Robert felt obligated to keep doing whatever he was doing, making sure Bridget would stay this way. Robert could feel it was his duty, for some reason or another, to make sure Bridget kept on radiating with laughter. And he sure did enjoy being around Bee. She had something about her that drew him in like a moth to a flame, or a bee to honey.

"Okay, what did Adam say to Eve?" Robert decided to tell another joke to Bee, once they both got themselves together enough to actually speak.

Once Bridget would start giggling, Robert would start laughing along with her. Just the sight and her small giggle made Robert happy as can be, and he would immediately start chuckling too. It was like a chain reaction, like when someone yawns and then the next person yawns... That's how Bridget's laughter was to Robert. It was impossible not to smile or laugh after she did. Robert already could sense that Bridget was contagious to him...

"So... What did Adam say to Eve?" Bridget raised her brow in curiosity to the punch line.

" 'Stand back, I'm not sure how big this thing gets. ' " Robert finally spoke after staring at Bridget's gleaming evanescence.

Bridget once again giggled until her sides groaned from the straining laughter.

"That's... so... stupid." Bridget spoke in between small fits of giggles.

"Funny, stupid though, I'm guessing since you are laughing." Robert chuckled.

"No... I meant it's a silly joke but obviously pretty dang funny." Bridget's laughter subsided, and she stroked the palms of her hands over her eyes. Wiping away small tears from laughing so hard.

"I got a million of em, honey!" Robert winked in a playful way.

"I don't think I can take much more laughter, or my stomach will be really hurting.... tomorrow." Bridget squinted in confusion for a moment, thinking to herself about when tomorrow will even be, or had a day already passed?

Bridget was unsure...

"Why are you looking at me like that? I'm not that ugly am I?" Robert teased.
"Oh, shut up... No, sorry. I didn't mean to stare." Bridget gazed up above her to see the shimmering green leaves that drooped along the tree.

Bridget was trying to see what else was above her. Was Earth up there? Or would it be down below from the middle? Questions ran through Bee's mind.

Bridget arched her neck up a little more to see in between the limbs of the tree, and there was a faint blue that sparkled up in the sky above her.

"Wait...." Bridget thought out loud, and jumped to her feet, so she could look past the willow tree to see if her eyes were actually glimpsing a blue sky.

"Wait, what?" Robert asked, fixing his eyes on Bridget to see what she was glancing at.

"The sky.... There's a sky in here! I haven't seen one since I came to the middle." Bridget exclaimed.

The Middle Realm (Robert Downey Jr.)Where stories live. Discover now