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    I had changed for dinner, something a little more appropriate to represent my Dom. Kentaro hadn't changed, but he looked well dressed no matter the time of day.

    We had driven into town and stood outside a nice looking establishment. Kentaro gave a name at the door and someone showed us back to one of the many private rooms they had.

    I spotted more than one Doll, their presence known by the gaudy collars they wore. Madam had always warned us that if we didn't behave or do our duties, she would sell us to a Pleasure House.

    "River." Kentaro snaps me out of my thoughts, pulling out my chair for me. I thank him and he takes his seat next to me.

    We wait only a few more minutes before Miri showed up, sub in tow on his leash. She apologizes for being late and sits down, her sub standing just behind her chair. She orders him to sit across from me and he does so very hesitantly.

    "Why don't you two talk while the adults do business?" She says ever so sweetly, while they look over the menu.

    I look to Kentaro and he nods, patting my thigh softly. I sigh, looking up at her sub. I still didn't know his name.

    "I'm River." I attempt a smile and he looks at me.

    "Donni." He was plain looking, brown hair and brown eyes. He had cute freckles, but his attitude made me want to put up a menu between us.

    "How long have you been with your Madam?"

    He fidgets a little, fingers tugging on the tablecloth. I noticed that although it was a private room and we were all pretty relaxed, Miri still had his leash in her hand.

    "About a year now. You?"

    "Only a few days, I'm on rental." I explain, taking a sip of water. He nods a little and I take the silence to listen to Miri's rambling.

    The waiter comes around and both of the Doms order, Kentaro reassuring me that I'll like it. I just smile, trusting his opinion. Plus, he leaned over and whispered in my ear that if I didn't, he would take me through anywhere I wanted after for being good and trying something new.

    "Well the Pleasure House on willow wouldn't, so we got the one on creek instead." Miri was gesturing and Kentaro was nodding along. My ears pricked up at the mention of a Dollhouse.

    "We can either turn it luxury like the last or keep it as is." She took a drink, obviously looking for Kentaro's insight.

    "Well, what is the area looking like in the next few years?" He questioned. "I mean, we don't want to do all of the remodeling just for it to sink because we couldn't get enough traction."

    Miri seemed to consider it before agreeing with him. "Good thought. Did you notice the ones we saw on the way in? God, the Belle House has really gone down. I thought they were trying to do more than escorts."

    Kentaro made a noncommittal noise, taking a drink. The waiter had great timing with coming in and setting a few dishes down on the tables.

    Were Dolls used for more now? Were they not just used for the night and given back? I made a mental note to ask Kentaro later.

    I looked at the dishes presented so prettily on the table and my mouth waters. Everything looked so good.

    Kentaro grabs a small plate and puts a little of everything on it. "Try it first, and if you like it we can get more."

I nod happily and thank him. He was so kind, I was grateful to have two generous and caring Doms to experience.

I tried a soft vegetable and it had soaked up all the flavor from the sauce it sat in. I groaned in appreciation, taking another bite. Kentaro had a small smile on his face before he tucked into his own plate.

Heart of River {BDSM / 18+}Where stories live. Discover now