Chapter 2

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Time passed by incredibly fast when you had the type of schedule the Manoban sisters shared. In fact, it passed so fast Lisa barely even had the chance just to sit down and relax as the September days came and went as quickly as they arrived and now they were already in October.


Something about that month had always enticed her. Back home, Lisa was fascinated by the spectacle of the leaves in the trees turning from green to red, yellow, orange and even brown. She remembered going to hike mountains when the colors of fall began to intensify and feeling breathless as she took in the breathtaking sight of the vivid autumnal shades surrounding her from the peak. It was her favourite thing to do when she wanted to be alone, it was cathartic. There were times when she'd bring her sister with her and three year old chubby little Sofia would observe the forest with amazed wide blues and a large toothy grin on her round baby face, calling her with adorable little giggles of " 'Lessa Lessa, look!! Fowest!", making teenaged Lisa fall wholly in love with the small piece of human before her.

She regretted most about moving to L.A, where fall was practically nonexistent, as were her freetimes.

Except for today.

It was the beginning of the weekend and Lisa had, to her complete delight, three whole days off. So she decided to do something she unfortunately didn't have enough time to do anymore: spoiling her little baby sister rotten.

That's how she found herself up and awake at eight on Saturday morning, cooking Sofia's favourite breakfast meal with the intention to wake her sister up with the heavenly scent of homemade french toasts, Lisa's specialty.

Careful not to make too much noise, the actress plugged her earphones and put some music on as she started to sway her hips and bob her head from side to side, her movements perfectly on time with the upbeat rhythm of Take on me.

Just as she finished to bake the last toast, she heard the telltale patterns of feet climbing down the stairs and grinned to herself as she placed their two full, fuming plates on the kitchen island. When the younger girl appeared by the large opening that framed the entrance of the room, Lisa's smile widened and her eyes twinkled in juvenile happiness before she walked to the girl, grabbed her by the chin and planted a smacking kiss on Sofia's cheek.

"Good morning, my sunshine." Lisa softly greeted.

Sofia, barely out of bed and a little confused at the beautifully put setup in front of her, furrowed her dark brows and scrunched up her nose as she tilted the side of her head to her left.

"Whas'happenin'?" The teenager tiredly mumbled and the whole thing reminded Lisa so much of a curious little puppy she melted on the spot, heart so full of endless love for her little sister, her favourite human on planet Earth.

Lisa breathily chuckled at the cuteness of the sight as she slowly guided Sofia to their food. "We are having a day-length, sisters only date. Just you, me and whatever boutiques you want to go to. I finally have a few days off from shooting and you have a competition in New York in a couple of weeks so I decided to take you out for shopping. Is that alright with you, my darling?" The green eyed actress asked with hope shining in her orbs.

Sofia's ocean eyes immediately lit up at the thought of spending a whole day shopping with her sister, it couldn't get any better than that. Also, Lisa had just made her favourite breakfast ever, Sofia was enchanted. Of course it was alright with her.

"More than that, Jas this is amasome!" The fifteen year old happily exclaimed as Lisa snorted at the combined words Sofia used to say all the time when she was younger. It was the cutest thing ever.

Lisa smirked as she took a sip of her expresso, looking at the figure skater with a playful glint in her forest eyes. "Still on with that amasome thing, I see." Sofia answered her by pointing a finger gun at the older girl, who threw her a wink in response.

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