Chapter 14

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Meanwhile, in New York City, Roseanne headed to one of her patients' room for a pre-op check-up. She was approaching the end of a long and gruelling thirty-hour shift at the hospital. She was exhausted. Nevertheless, she walked in with a radiant smile on her face as she was fond of the patient in question.

The blonde met little Oli a few days earlier as she was on the service of Arizona Robbins, the head of the paediatrics department, for the week. The boy was five years old and had a brain tumour near his optic nerve. He had curly dark, almost black hair and sparkling light hazel eyes and was admitted to the hospital the same day Roseanne got assigned to the paediatrics department. Thankfully, the tumour was relatively small, and Brooklyn Hospital Center had the privilege to have in its team Doctor ALisandra Danvers, one of the best neurosurgeons in the country who also happened to be the director of the residency program at BHC. Hence, they would remove Oli's tumour without too much of a problem, which reassured the blonde intern who had immediately bonded with the little boy.

The second she stepped into the room, the boy leapt out of his bed, ignoring his mother's worried shout for him to be careful, and went straight to Roseanne to tightly encircle his arms around his doctor's waist.

Roseanne, holding a digital tablet in one hand, gently hugged him back with her free arm, her smile matching the glee in her cerulean eyes.

"Hi, little buddy. How are we feeling today?" the intern asked as she fondly passed her hand through his curls while mouthing a cordial hello to his mother, who reciprocated the gesture.

Oli flashed a toothy grin. The three holes in his smile melted the blonde's heart.

"The bestest because I can see my favourite doctor in the world!" the boy enthusiastically said, lifting his arms in the air.

Roseanne patted him on the head. "Why don't you go back to sit on your bed and tell me who is this doctor that you like so much?" she said, acting as if she did not know who the five-year-old was talking about. She noticed his mother's facial traits relaxing once her son was back to his hospital bed.

Her young patient motioned with his forefinger to get Roseanne to lean closer to him, which she did with a mischievous grin stuck to her mouth.

"I have a secret to tell you. Can you keep secrets?" the boy asked in a whisper tone.

Roseanne nodded affirmatively, making a show to zip her mouth shut with her thumb and index.

Oli then leaned over and brought his tiny hand to his doctor's ear. "It's you who's my favourite doctor in the world," the boy with dark hair said in what was supposed to be a whisper but came out like his normal tone. His mother laughed at the antics of her son. Oli was a carbon copy of the woman except for the colour of his eyes; hers were greener.

Roseanne put her hand over her heart, not surprised in the least but still feeling the need to suppress an 'aw' at how pure the child was. "Really? That's too sweet of you!"

Oli silenced her with his finger going to his lips. "Shh. You're not supposed to let anyone know. You said you were good at keeping secrets, Doctor Roseanne Park," he pouted and Roseanne was done for.

The blonde intern sat next to him, admitting defeat. "Alright, alright. I am almost always good to keep secrets. I'm sorry, friend."

Oli patted her reassuringly on the shoulder as hazel eyes bored straight into blue ones.

"It's okay, Doctor Roseanne Park. I forgive you."

Roseanne bumped his shoulder delicately with her own as his mother observed the scene with amusement. "Thank you for your kindness, sweet boy."

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