Chapter 7

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Dr. Roseanne Park is a dream, something perfect and unreachable her own mind had created.

Of that, Lisa was sure.

No one should be this kind, this genuine, this devastatingly beautiful not to be, the actress came to that simple conclusion as she found herself completely hooked to every damn word that got out of her sister's doctor's mouth as the blonde beauty pulled her outside of the room to inform her of Sofia's condition after she finally, properly introduced herself as Dr. Park to the mesmerized brunette.

With a straightforward but considerate explication, Sofia's doctor had told Lisa her little sister had a moderate concussion, hence why the fifteen-year-old had passed out for a few minutes the previous night as it happens to some people when faced by that level of concussion. She succeeded far too easily to reassure Lisa when the latter had voiced her concerns about the younger girl's injury and the ramifications it could take with graceful patience and delicate truth; Sofia was out of the competition and forbidden to practice any brain-stimulating activities for a minimum of three to five days, physical activities were a granted interdiction for at least two weeks, as well.

Lisa had strongly suspected that telling Sofia she wouldn't be able to put her skates on for that long and possibly even longer wouldn't be an easy task. Yet, when Dr. Park gently explained her but without sugar coating anything, to Lisa's honest surprise, Sofia had been bitter about having to put an early end to her competition, that was a given, yes, though she accepted it with far more poise and maturity that Lisa would have expected her competitive-natured sister to, and genuinely thanked her doctor before the blonde smiled a ridiculously charming smile and left the Manoban alone to process everything that had been said.

What Lisa hadn't expected at all though, was the surprisingly long exchange she had with Roseanne Park when the actress had gone to the hospital's cafeteria to bring some food to her sister just as the sweet doctor was walking out of it with a cup of coffee in her hands, the two making eye contact as if sensing the other's presence and gravitating towards one another instantly, like it was purely normal for them to do.

It was Roseanne who initiated the conversation because Lisa would never in a million years have found the courage to say something first, there was just something about the blue-eyed blonde that seemed to make her brain forget all the words she had ever known.

"Ah, miss Lisa Manoban, fancy seeing you here, or should I say Commander," Roseanne began with a twinkling in her eyes and the shadow of a smirk on her beautiful lips that had Lisa's heart doing all sorts of things to her and the shy actress could feel the tip of her ears, as well as her high cheekbones, begin to grow warm and flushed.

Roseanne had to suppress 'awing' at the blushing expression her comment had left on the other girl's otherworldly features.

It was so cute and oddly charming and it tugged at Roseanne's heartstrings in the most delicious way.

"You know who I am?" Lisa murmured timidly as she blushed even more while biting her bottom lip to refrain from a schoolgirl smile, this was so lame. People called her the Commander, for hell's sake.

Dr. Park scrunched up her nose playfully and it made her wonderful cerulean depths crinkle as she undid her bun only to redo it on the top of her head, and really, something as simple as that shouldn't make Lisa want to cup the other girl's pale cheeks between her hands and shower her in tender kisses all over her oh so appealing face until the Sun's light burned off.

Lalisa, what the hell!

Lisa subtly cleared her throat as Roseanne somewhat sheepishly continued, "More or less; My friends are huge TV nerds though, I'm pretty sure they were offended when I told them I didn't know who Alicia Clark was! Really though, I'm not big with television, I prefer to spend my free time either drawing or painting."

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