Chapter 5

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It was five am when Lisa's alarm went off and started to blare in her room.

Today was finally Sofia's big day, and even if Lisa couldn't take off to New York with her little sister just yet, that didn't mean she couldn't do something nice for her.

So without having to think about it twice, she got out of her ridiculously comfortable king-sized bed and went straight to the kitchen, where she concocted what she deemed was a 'power breakfast' consisting of a pineapple and kale smoothie with multigrain toasts and scrambled eggs on the side for her athlete sister.

When that was done, Lisa discreetly made her way back upstairs to Sofia's room to gently shake the girl awake, which wasn't an easy task. Sofia was a hell of a heavy sleeper, as opposed to herself. That's why she wasn't surprised at all when her little sister didn't even move an inch as Lisa softly called her name to wake her up. Each time she got louder and each time Sofia remained as oblivious as a sleeping bear. Quickly figuring out this technique wouldn't work, Lisa decided to try something new that would undeniably make her bolt up from her comatose-like state. Carefully bringing her right thumb and pointer finger to the girl's face, Lisa leaned down and delicately pinched the figure skater's nose.

It worked instantly.

Sofia immediately sat up as she gasped for air. Lisa would have felt a little guilty for waking her up rudely, had it not been for the hilarious face Sofia made as she looked like a startled squirrel.

"Jas what the hell!", the teenager cried out as her older sister was having a lot of trouble hiding her amusement at the blue-eyed Wood's panicked wide eyes.

"Sorry! I had to wake you up somehow, Jennie's picking you up in an hour and you need to get ready to leave. I made you breakfast, by the way, " Lisa said with a sheepish smile gracing her features at the slightly murderous glare Sofia was throwing at her, though it quickly vanished as soon as the actress mentioned their cousin. Their cousin that had agreed to come to New York with her, much to Sofia's delight and Lisa's immense relief. Instead, a look of pure excitement took place in her deep royal eyes and Sofia almost jumped out of her bed in her eagerness, it made Lisa chuckle fondly.

"You're lucky I'm too apprehensive to be mad at you right now because if you had pulled that little stunt literally any other day, I would have skinned you alive, Lalisa Jasmine, " she said as she put on her club's hoodie before going downstairs to eat, Lisa in tow.

"I know, believe me. But you're so hard to wake up I swear, it took me forever to open your eyes. I was getting a little desperate here, give the girl some credit for having thought of such an original way to get you out of your slumber, " the older girl said as she poured herself a generous cup of black coffee in her favorite mug, the one that Sofia had decorated for her for Mother's Day when she was eight. Lisa still remembers how deeply moved and touched she had felt at her baby sister's innocent yet so meaningful gesture. The mug was a soft yet bright yellow, Lisa's favorite color, and had a picture of a teenaged Lisa with an untamed, wild frizzy chestnut mane holding a laughing little Sofia by the waist as the toddler sat on her shoulders, the two girls were surrounded by trees and pines and had sparkling eyes. Around the small rectangle, Polaroid photograph rested multiple tiny plastic diamonds and silver glitter. Finally, right above the memory of the Manoban sisters together, painted in cherry red, was the inscription 'My favorite human in the world'. Lisa never drank her coffee with any other mug.

"Sure, credit for traumatizing me while you could have just, you know, whispered my name in my ear until I woke up like a normal person, " Sofia replied between two bites of scrambled eggs.

The twenty-seven-year-old snorted audibly at that. "Like I didn't try. It's not my fault you sleep like a grizzly waiting for summer to come back!"

Before the figure skater could have the chance to fire back a reply, their front door suddenly opened as none other than their older cousin barged into the house like it was her own and met the younger girls in the kitchen.

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