Chapter 18

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Narrow sunshine rays cast Roseanne's naked back in a halo of gold as they sneaked through the cracks of the heavy curtains of the hotel room in the bright light of midday.

Platinum blonde hair laid scattered on the silk sheet of her pillow; looking like a golden locks cascade, free from the tight knot it had been combed in the night before.

The woman's hair brushed the bottom of her shoulder blades as she slept on her stomach, her arms propping up her head under the pillow.

With every gentle raise of her upper body as she inhaled, the sunlight shining on her back, reflected into Lisa's captivated green eyes as she paid attention to the beauty that was Roseanne Park, her body entirely bare of any clothing except for the thin sheet pooling low on her hips.

It was not a surprise that the brunette, whose body was also nude, had been the one to wake up first; she always was the first one up no matter who she was with.

When her eyelids fluttered open, the thing she first noticed was the time; ten minutes past noon, a highly uncommon time for the tired twenty-seven-year-old to wake up at.

But then again, it was not a nightly recurrence for her to be up all night long having sex with another woman.

Not that she did not wish that it would happen more frequently, of course.

Waking up at lunchtime was acceptable only on such occasions.

Her body ached deliciously and deep calmness prevailed in her mind; she could hear no other sounds than the hotel's air conditioning through the air vents, as well as Roseanne's soft inhales and exhales of air into her lungs as she slowly breathed in her slumber.

A chill gush of conditioned air made her shiver and Lisa pulled the sheets over her breasts, her jade gaze passively scanning the dark-lit room as she replayed the events of last night in her head.

Being with Roseanne, in every sense of the term, felt so inexplicably good, so natural.

Lisa started truly opening up to her ever since she arrived in the blonde's city; she told her things about her mother and father, even though she remained general about the latter, and the brunette felt closer to Roseanne for it, especially with Roseanne also being vulnerable with her.

She had been reluctant to open herself up to new people since childhood, although Lisa discovered that, when she came across someone as trust-inspiring as the Park woman, showing vulnerability was not necessarily a sign of weakness.

She even found it cleansing.

And yes, there were still many things that she did not tell Roseanne about herself, some things that she did not like to talk about because there remained some pain in her heart, but her time with Roseanne in New York made her increasingly less scared than she was before.

Lisa wanted to know everything about the blonde surgeon; she knew she had to show the same trust in Roseanne that the latter showed her for the actress to inspire the younger woman to tell her the raw parts of herself.

For what concerned the more physical aspect of her connection with Roseanne, well, Lisa quickly found out that the press of their warm naked bodies together was a feeling she was already addicted to.

Feeling Roseanne's breasts against hers, the weight of their intertwined legs as they explored each other's body for the first time, made her feel so intensely, so passionately, alive.

Blonde lashes fluttering like the wings of a Blue Butterfly broke her train of thoughts as Roseanne's eyes opened, clouds in their irises when they found tender greens already gazing at them.

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