The city was silent, no lights, no cars, and no people. The only light which brightened the city, Devin, were the millions of stars that covered the night sky, the moon, referred by the citizens as Jaz, and Marvin planet, just five thousand miles from Devin's atmosphere. And as the sun, named Krisun, appeared with the rotation of Devin planet, the night sky was illuminated.
The city had huge television screens on every ten buildings and in big, bold, red numbers, a countdown began.
Devin #4178, 4178 for short, was awaken by his own television in his bedroom. The countdown became a loud yet calming chime that rang for five seconds without fail. 4178 opened his eyes and removed his gray fake fur blanket, keeping him warm through the winter nights. The screen changed once more, this time showing a woman, "Good morning Devins! I'm your host 1009 bringing you this morning's news!" She was Thursday's announcer. A beautiful woman just like any Devin was. She wore her hair long and loose, covering her shoulders which would have been exposed if not with the hair. Wearing a dark blue dress with a pin that showed her name and the logo of the news company, a Devin's side profile.
4178 stood up and wrapped his feet in slippers insulated with a heater, letting warm air heat up his feet as he moved around his home. The television was in every room, loud enough to be heard only within that room. So, when he walked into his bathroom, glass door sliding opened and sliding closed behind him, a television awaited him.
"Scientist 6189 has discovered a new cure for colon cancer. She explained that after numerous testings' on Devins with colon cancer, the now named 'Fintum' is five percent more effective than 'Polyus.' Giving us hope in ridding the world of the last disease for good." It was exciting to hear that the only cancer and the only disease still in this world was one step closer to being gone for good. 4178 grabbed his toothbrush while wondering how much more effective it was. If he remembered correctly, being a doctor and all, the medicine Polyus was eighty percent effective in fighting cancer. So, with the medicine, it should now be eighty-five percent effective. In just a few years, other scientists would discover a medicine with one-hundred percent effectiveness.
He placed the toothbrush inside the toothpaste dispenser, but a quiet buzz alerted him that the toothpaste was finished. He grunted, annoyed, and opened the dispenser to throw away his toothpaste. Throwing it in the trash can, the empty toothpaste bottle was sucked into a hole that opened after detecting trash. It would go to the factory where it would be recycled and made into more toothpaste containers and toothpaste. "DevinO!" He spoke loud and clear as he moistened the toothbrush once more.
"Yes 4178?"
"Buy #1Presipaste."
"Buying #1Presipaste. That will be five Kings."
A small tile slid opened, a chute revealing itself. After just a few seconds, the toothpaste slid down and plopped down on the counter. 4178 placed it into the dispenser and brushed his teeth. He closed his eyes and sighed in relief, feeling the freshness of the toothpaste hit his mouth and help ridding any bacteria and bad breath he had. This was all he had to worry about when brushing his teeth. Toothpastes were made to be one-hundred percent effective in battling cavities, removing left over food, and helping bad breath. It meant that dentists had not existed in over three-hundred years.
Devin Planet
Ciencia FicciónThe Silky Frey, a solar system that houses planet Devin. A planet where life could be sustained, Devin's evolved, a specie that all look the same, have the same name, and are distinguished through numbers. After the sudden retirement of Devin #1, th...