I am lazy so Gonna post Rewrite as new Chapter

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This is where our story starts. Peter Parker, who is only supposed to be everyone's friendly neighborhood superhero, is now gearing up with Earth's mightiest heroes and villains due to a threat that is powerful enough to wipe their entire existence in every multiverse. All versions of the original Avengers have perished even their children were sadly not spared. Only a handful of Doctor Strange are left as well as some versions of the Young Avengers, but even so they weren't complete, All Lokis had died as well as most of Asgard's powerful warriors.

"Are you sure about this? The fight will be harder without them" A pale almost skinny man with long white hair, wearing black armor, and a red logo that looks like a Wyvern on his chest asked Peter while holding a blood red sword. The villains who all turned to protect are the most numerous, which makes sense since if there is no world to rule over, then what is the point. This fact alone made Peter laugh a little inside his own mind, Galactus, Ego, Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, and Rhino are some of the most numerous.

"I am sure, I just hope that they will survive this and raise the next generation of heroes" Peter answered in a solemn manner, he already accepted his fate of dying at the next battle yet he still holds the responsibility of raising the next generation of heroes if even a single universe is saved in the end so this was the best method he could think off. Toxin should be enough to be able to completely suppress the bloodthirsty Klyntars, right?

"Knull, I do have a question regarding this, can't you at least make them less bloodthirsty?" Peter asked while Knull contemplated for a second and shook his head.

"I can for the lab grown ones, but for the natural ones, would be impossible as it would directly clash with their nature" Knull answered as a piece of all black detached from the sword into one of the containers.

"Let me out of here, you idiot spider!! We can help!!!" A black goo with white pupilless eyes aka Venom vehemently tried to smash the container he was currently in.

"I already lost Eddie and Dylan! I don't want to lose anyone else... so please!! Please let me out of here!!" Venom shouted as tears started to stream from his eyes while the other symbiote could only remain silent as their own partners were brutally killed and died so that they could survive.

Even Carnage became tame once he saw Toxin, his own son, who he tried to kill countless times before saved him despite the things he did. Even now, he is worried about the youngling as he hasn't even moved a single inch ever since his partner died. If it wasn't for Spiderman telling him that he is still alive, then he would have already massacred his way to kill the one responsible for all of this.

"Venom... all I can say is survive and goodbye" Peter said as he signaled Knull to close the pod that is housing the nine remaining Klyntars.

"Noooooo...!!!" Venom's shout trailed off as the pod that is camouflaged as an asteroid closed and got launched into outer space towards the planet Mars, only set to return once the reset had happened.

"Are you sure that he won't take this out on your next iteration?" A Spiderwoman version asked Peter, who only shrugged while also hoping that the other klyntars can suppress Venom enough to not beat the hell out of his next incarnation.

"He won't even remember nor have all his true powers yet, so I trust that our next iteration wouldn't be that weak to be easily defeated by Venom prime" Peter said with confidence with a slight hint of worry.

"Says the guy who nearly got taken over by said Klyntar and almost always on the losing side every time the two of you fight" A version of Silk jabbed at Peter since she fully knows the webslinger of Earth 616 is the basis for all of them thus is quite weak in terms of raw power and intelligence but is loved by the plot so he will almost always survive.

"Now let's do this!" Peter Parker of Earth 616 shouted then charged straight into a portal that will lead to certain death as the other heroes and villains joined him. It was the battle for the entire multiverse where heroes and villains alike sacrificed their lives to at least preserve one universe from certain erasure.

Nobody knew if they would be successful, yet even then, they still struggled in order to achieve that cinder of hope, hope that the villains helping the heroes once tried to crush and now is one of the ones igniting it, those petty squabble are now precious memories that only they will remember.

The battle ended where neither side won, which resulted in the annihilation of almost everything. Heroes, Gods, Cosmic Beings, Villains, Demons, Immortals, etc. All perished, yet once a story ends, another will begin, and their sacrifice was not in vain. The cinder of hope that they tried to protect had survived, which in turn will start the gears of fate once again.

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