Chapter 9

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Peni hang limp on Vultures hand since she was punched by the guy repeatedly.

"Now to kill the itsy bitsy spider" Vulture said then his 'talons' grew sharper and ready to slice the throat of Peni as it was about to hit a blackish blue tendril with some red parts shot towards his talons and latched on it.

Necrose pulled Vulture's talon/arm away from Peni using his own physical strength.

"Well well what do we have here? It seems that the spider found a mate" Vulture joked then he turned on his device.

*Screeeeeeeech* a loud deafening high pitched noise echoed towards the city, every glass item and windows in a 3 kilometer radius.

"Ahhhhhhh!!!!" Necrose screamed in pain while clutching his ears trying to block the noise as well as he could so that he can get used to it but having extraordinary senses than normal humans then enhance it is a very bad thing if you are trying to adapt at something.

Vulture didn't stop he just continued to screech then Peni's ears started to bleed, this made Necrose know that he was running out of time. Necrose took something out of Toxin and it was a latex suit that is tailored to look like his suit now so that he can fight Vulture without being hurt more.

"Hey Toxin can you go and make me wear my suit then hide to my wrists?" Necrose asked Toxin who is screaming in pain inside his head.

"F-Fi-Fine!" Toxin tried to say then he made Necrose wear the suit and he retreated to Necrose's wrists.

"Now let's go!!!" Necrose said then dashed towards the flying villain with his normal strength, he leaped towards Vulture and latched on his leg.

"Let go!" Vulture said then he screeched at Necrose's face which made his ears bleed and now he can't hear anything, honestly he wouldn't be surprised if he becomes deaf after this.

Necrose pulls out a dagger out of his suit which has countless hidden weapons inside and stabbed the back of Vulture.

"Arghhh!!" Vulture howled in pain while losing altitude and while that was happening Necrose swung towards Vulture's arm and grabbed Peni and as they landed he covered her using his body. Luckily Toxin enveloped them right at the nick of time which made them safe from snapping their necks.

"Thanks Toxin, I owe you one" Necrose said.

"Just give me some chocolate" Toxin replied then Vulture started to get back up again.

"You don't know when to quit do you?" Necrose asked as he was tending to Peni's bleeding ears.

Vulture tried to screech again but this time Necrose intercepted him and punched him square on the jaw which definitely unroofed some permanent teeth since Vulture spat out 3 teeth out of his mouth.

"Your going to pay for that!!!" Vulture shouted as he dashed towards Necrose and tried to punch him but the guy only dodged it, Vulture continued to punch and kick Necrose only to fail miserably.

Necrose got tired of waiting for Vulture to land a punch on him so he punched Vulture right at his solar plexus which made him throw up all the air he has inside him along with some blood and then Vulture fainted knocked out.

"Spidergirl!! Are you okay?" Necrose asked the unconcious Peni and of course he received no reply and he can still only hear ringing from his ears. Necrose then looked all over Peni's body to look for any injuries and he found nothing maybe just a few scratches here and there but nothing life threatening or in the same level as being deaf.

"Toxin please" Necrose said then Toxin enveloped Peni and Necrose at the same time and healed their wounds which pretty much drained the symbiote so he retreated inside Necrose again.

After a while of waiting the cops in charge for detaining super villains arrived and thanked Necrose.

"Great job out there new kid" a cop said which looked pretty high ranking since he is the one ordering others around.

"Your welcome but honestly I am worried about her" Necrose said then he gestured towards the still unconcious Peni.

"I would normally shout at you guys saying stuff about being vigilantes of some sort but right now I don't think I can since according to witnesses you tried to minimalize the amount of property destruction so you are out of the hook this time" the cop said which made Necrose laugh.

"So what's the name?" The cop asked.

"What?" Necrose asked back confused.

"Your vigilante name, duh" the cop joked.

"Toxin" Necrose said.

"Oscar" the cop said then he stretched out his hand signifying that he wanted a handshake so Necrose took it happily.

"Bye, I have some stuff I need to do" Necrose said then carried the unconcious Peni towards her house but before he could Oscar interrupted him.

"Take care of your girlfriend!!" Oscar said which made Necrose look back at him with his face crimson enough to be seen through the mask or Toxin is just messing with him.

"We-were not like that!!!"Necrose shouted then he started to swing back to their base.

"Ah... Young love" Oscar said while earning many snickers from the crowd and the media.

"Now let's clean up this mess shall we" Oscar said then he entered the bank which had many rubble scattered around, he then notices a bluish black and red substance fixing the damage bit by bit which confused him.

"What the?" Oscar said then he stretched his hand out to touch it but before he can close it disappeared along with the rubble and now the bank is fixed.

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