Chapter 2

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Necrose started walking to school until he saw someone getting cornered into an alley by 5 muscular men, that someone is a woman and by Necrose's started looked pretty hot although he already has his sight on someone but he still decides to intervene since it will eat him up later. Necrose walked into the alley and asked the group.

"What's happening here?" Necrose asked looking all innocent.

"Back off kid!! This is adult business!"
One of the men said who looked like the leader based on his clothes since he had the most accessories.

"Just curious" Necrose said again then he looked at the woman.

"They want to kidnap me" the woman said.

"Only because you haven't payed your debt!" Another man said.

"Okay this is your problem so peace out" Necrose said then walked away.

"Smart kid" the leader mumbled.

As soon as Necrose walked away he immediately thought about the suit and then he felt being engulfed whole. Now he looks like someone straight from the old days cause the upper part of his body is red and the lower blue

"Stop right there" Necrose said now in his suit then the group of men looked at him weirdly.

"Who are? Some kind of cosplayer?" Another man said while they all laughed.

"Hahaha very funny" Necrose said sarcastically.

"Now you either stop or a world of pain will hit you" Necrose said and then he assumed a fighting stance.

"You? Your just a runt!" The leader said then he went towards him and also assumed a fighting stance.

The leader tried to punch Necrose but to only feel air cause Necrose dodged the super slow attack and then the leader continued attacking but Necrose dodged them all and it was getting boring for him so it was time to counter attack. Necrose imagined little needle like tendrils come out of his fists laced with diethylstilbestrol which messes up with the endocrine system. Necrose punched the poor guy right in the crotch area so that the
diethylstilbestrol will take effect immediately and coupled with super strength will equal to great pain. The leader fell down to the pavement out of pain while groaning.

"Had enough?" Necrose asked and threatened the others which they immediately responded by running towards the opposite way. Necrose walked towards the woman in distress earlier.

"Are you alright, miss?" Necrose asked. Meanwhile the woman is just staring at him wide eyed.

"Umm... Miss?" Necrose asked again.

"Y-yes I am okay, thank you by the way" the woman said then Necrose looked at his watch and saw that it was almost time for the first class.

"Umm... I gotta go, I need to get to school, so bye!!" Necrose said then started running towards Horizon High.

"I didn't even get his name" the woman said sadly.

When Necrose arrived he realized that he is currently in the symbiote suit but what he didn't know is that someone or something was watching him during the incident, it was a type robot bug by SHIELD and the one's that will help the undercover agents will receive it. Necrose imagined his school uniform and Toxin immediately shapeshifted.

"I want chocolate" Toxin begged and Necrose couldn't say no so he gave Toxin half of his Dairy Milk.

"This brand is amazing" Toxin said while eating the chocolate which made Necrose laugh.

Once toxin finished the chocolate he merged back to the clothes. Necrose can only hurry up and run to class and luckily when he arrived the teacher wasn't there yet but it was already time and the only ones there are him and his friends then he looked at the class clock and saw that there are still 15 minutes of time to spare.

"Who freaking changed my clock and watch?!" Necrose asked no one in particular then Toxin materialized.

"You did" Toxin said then merged back.

"When?!" Necrose asked and Toxin materialized again.

"Before you fell asleep" Toxin said then merged back again.

"Oh ok, Thanks" Necrose said then he noticed that the others are practically laughing. Sam walked towards Necrose.

"What was that about?" Sam asked.

"Well there was trouble in an alley nearby so I helped but then I noticed that there are only one minute left before class begins so that's why I was practically going out of my mind" Necrose said.

"Well at least it was amusing to watch" Sam said accidentally teasing her childhood friend.

"Hahaha... Very funny Sam even though we are childhood friends that doesn't mean that you can just tease me" Necrose said sarcastically and with a serious tone.

"Okay, okay whatever you say" Sam said while still snickering.

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