Chapter 11

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The day started like normal, well normal as a teenager with a superhero alter ego can have. Necrose and Peni went to the kitchen to find a knife and some butter along with cheese.

"What do you need the cheese for?" Peni asked curious as to why Necrose took the cheese.

"Melt... Tasty..." Necrose said still out of it since he is definitely not a morning person which Peni immediately knew because of this.

"Ok?" Peni just said then she spreads some butter on each side of four pieces of toast then went to the toaster and placed two inside it then pushed the button down.

Meanwhile Necrose opened the gas tank then lit a flame using the gas stove. He got a frying pan then placed it on top of the fire then he put some butter on it. He then stirred the butter all over the pan and once he finished he grabbed two pieces of bread then placed it there.

After the bread became golden brown Necrose flipped the two pieces of bread while he grabbed the cheese, took a slice then placed it on top of one of the bread pieces, he waited until the underside became golden brown until he grabbed the other piece of toast and placed it on top with the cheese.

The aroma of what Necrose was cooking filled the air although simple and basic it was enough to wet your appetite. Necrose did this eight times in short he used sixteen pieces of bread which is surprising for Peni.

Peni wanting to know more about heroes and stuff opened the T.V. and changed the channel to global news, Necrose was severely uninterested until he heard something.

"Breaking news in hero news and I mean literally since heroes wearing a certain costume seems to be a fad right now like the one in Russia a black hero with white linings on his suit appeared along with a purple one, the black one seems to be a male while the purple one seems to be female, another one is in Japan where a white hero with black linings appeared but this guy can heal wounds almost instantly along with a silver hero with black linings, meanwhile in Paris we have a very stylish hero with an outfit in yellow and black but seems to have the same material and base design with the earlier four, next is a red ummm... I, we don't actually know what to call him since he is just too savage I guess along with a green one who can control many dead things while using whip... Like thingies, ok now what the hell is wrong with them!!!" The news reporter said while Necrose slapped his face hard but then he grabs a sandwich and then eats it.

"What the heck are they?" Peni said while looking at Necrose, although he straight up just ignored her and started eating another sandwich.

"And there seems to be two more the first one works at South America this one is a yellow and red hero which certainly looks like that she came from a Volcano while the other one is here in New York and is working with a hero named Spidergirl" The news reporter which made Necrose cough while Peni handed him some water.

"Ok now for their names the black one for all we know is called Venom while the purple one is Agony- that are the heroes in Russia, In Japan he called himself Anti-Venom which certainly fits since Venom can kill while he saves while the other one is Riot an unpenetrable shield and strongest spear, the one in Paris called himself Phage we don't know why though, next red one and let's just name them Carnage while the green one is Lasher, also for the one in South America it was decided by a majority of people for her to be called as scream since she looks like lava/magma and she mainly uses sound base attacks, and last but not the least the one working with Spidergirl who also seems to be in an intimate relationship with said hero called himself and by Spidergirl Toxin although we currently don't have any scope and range or confirmations of their abilities this is what many people decided" The News Reporter said which made Necrose to almost spit out the sandwich that he was chewing on and caused him to choke.

"Necrose are they your friends? And Toxin's siblings?" Peni asked while patting Necrose's back and giving him a glass of water. Necrose immediately took the water and gulped it all down.

"Yes they are and how awesome of the media to actually know the names of our symbiotes" Necrose said while Toxin and SP//DR are laughing inside their hosts/partners minds.

"Can you please tell me more about them?" Peni asked Necrose with the infamous abandoned puppy looking eyes technique and sadly for Necrose he is totally smitten by this since he is a massive dog lover so just can't say no to those pitiful yet cute eyes.

"Sure, it seems it's not like we are hiding it anymore" Necrose said then Peni stopped her technique and grabbed some popcorn.

'Toxin can I show her like an illustration of what happened by using your body?' Necrose asked Toxin telephatically.

'Go ahead' Toxin said

"Nate was enveloped by the black sludge, Venom, Sam was enveloped by the yellow and red sludge, Scream, Vanessa was enveloped by the purple sludge, Agony, Matt was enveloped by the white and black sludge, Anti-Venom, Butch was enveloped by the red and black sludge, Carnage, Timothy was enveloped by the green and black sludge, Lasher, Raymond was enveloped by the silver and black sludge, Riot, and lastly James was enveloped by the yellow and black sludge, Phage, meanwhile I already let Toxin cover me..." Necrose said while trying to catch his breath since he said all of those things in one go which was extremely idiotic.

"You know the rest" Necrose continued.

"Wow I didn't know that there was such a story behind you guys" Peni said in astonishment.

'Why didn't you tell her the full shortened story? most importantly the part that answers why you guys splitted up' Toxin asked telephatically but no answer came from Necrose only silence.

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