Chapter 7

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Peni led Necrose towards a shed like structure. When she got there she took of one of the planks on the left side of the door and when she did a futuristic like keypad appeared on the top right then she typed in a pin which Necrose accidentally immediately memorised, secondly she put in the pin a slot for a key appeared on the bottom left then she put the key in and a round digit combination lock appeared on the top left, third she put dialed the code then a fingerprint scanner appeared bottom right, Necrose is now thinking just how secure that place is and then Peni put her thumb on the scanner which Necrose 'accidentally' bumped on which made Toxin memorise the pattern of Peni's thumbprint and then a Retina scanner appeared on the middle and lastly Peni went close to it and the device did it's thing. The door opened and a elevator can now be seen, Necrose swore that when he entered the place previously when he got their luggage it was a normal shed so he can't understand how it happened.

"Just How Secure is This Place?!!" Necrose asked/shouted because of shock, awe, and amazement.

"A girl's has got to have her secrets" Peni said then Necrose immediately calms down since he can just check it out later but he will need Toxin's help, to touch Peni's hand, and lastly to go as close as possible to Peni so that Toxin can memorise every single detail needed without kissing.

'Although that would be a amazing bonus' Necrose thought then he immediately punches himself.

'What the heck are you even thinking man?!! Stop it!!!' Necrose said to himself.

They went inside the place and Necrose can feel a lot of empty space in the vicinity yet there seems to be hidden compartments for something.

"So... What did you want to talk about?" Peni asked which snapped Necrose back to reality.

"I just wanted to show you something, although it seems like I am not the only one hiding some stuff" Necrose said which surprised Peni.

"Ok... fine I'll tell you later but first show me yours!" Peni said although she is just gonna let him see some gadgets not her mech.

"You know that meteor shower a couple of days ago?" Necrose asked then Peni nodded, confused about the question.

"Well... It changed me" Necrose said.

"How?" Peni asked then Necrose stood up straight and willed his suit to appear.

Necrose got covered by a sludge like substance then he is now wearing a black and red skintight suit which kind of looked like Peni's only without the Spider Logo, a different colour scheme, and lastly for males.

"Now show me yours" Necrose demanded then Peni pressed the button and all of her gadgets can now be seen.

"All of them" Necrose said which surprised Peni but she can't lie to a guy with a freaking alien stuck in him so she showed him her suit and wears it, of course Necrose turned around and made Toxin cover his eyes. Although Peni didn't show her mecha.

(Art not mine and pretend that the wearer of the costume is Peni)

Necrose opened his eyes to see Peni in her suit which astonished him.

"It looks good on you..." Necrose said while blushing, thankfully Toxin hid it well.

"Haha... Very funny" Peni said.

"I am not kidding, you look very cute and very beautiful in it" Necrose said blushing harder and Toxin wasn't enough to cover it. Peni blushed at what Necrose said as well and then she wears her mask to hide it. After a couple of seconds of staring into each other a alarm suddenly flared off.

"Danger Danger, Rhino is attacking the city Bank along with Vulture" a mechanical young boy's voice said which Necrose instantly recognises as his then he gave Peni a look which said 'seriously'.

"I didn't want it to be anyone else, okay!!" Peni said clearly embarrassed which made Necrose laugh.

"Come on you need to put those criminals to jail right?" Necrose said then Peni quickly fixed herself then exits the cave but not before Necrose joins her.

"What are you doing?!" Peni asked while they are in the elevator.

"Come on I can't let a fragile girl like you fight them all alone" Necrose said then the elevator's door opens.

"Fine, just don't get in the way and for your information I am not fragile!" Peni said still unsure of letting Necrose join her. Necrose then places a hand on Peni's shoulder to comfort her and place a piece of Toxin for an emergency case.

Peni then starts running and swinging around with her webs while Necrose did the same but with Toxin's tendrils while in camouflage mode.

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