Heartbeat - CL16

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Your eyes darted around the room and wouldn't settle, much like your leg which bounced up and down. Your mind felt like it was going at a hundred miles an hour and all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and disappear.

You weren't one to be out at a club until the early hours of the mornings. You prefered to be with friends and family or at home snuggled up with a good book. However, the Formula 1 season had just ended, so you were out celebrating with your boyfriend, Charles, and he was the sort of person to be, so you pushed your anxiety down and tried to enjoy yourself, for his sake. You were finding it harder than you thought you would to do so.

Charles was off dancing with Max so you sat alone at the bar, looking around for someone you might know to confide in or just talk to. Soon, Max's girlfriend and a good friend of yours, Kelly, came over.

"You hate it here, too?" she asked. You nodded. "I can't stop thinking about P. I know she's absolutely fine and is probably loving this time with her dad. I can't imagine what's she's been up to today but I just want to be with her." Kelly told you.

"Aww, Kelly." you said. A silence fell between you, signalling for you to talk.

"You know as well as I do, Kelly, this isn't my scene, but I want to do it for Charles, he deserves it, me enjoying something he enjoys. I can't help but feel trapped though." you told her. "Go be with him and I'll go drag Max away. You can talk to him, you know that. He really won't mind. He'll just want you to be happy." she said. You nodded and the pair of you got up, walking over to the 2 boys.

Kelly managed to get Max to go with her and leave you with Charles. He immediately pulled you into his arms.

"Are you ok?" he asked, trying to whisper in your ear. You nodded, knowing it was a complete lie.

"I know you hate it here, Y/N. Thank you so much for being here for me." he said. You nodded again, not in the mood to talk for fear you'd burst in to tears and you wanted anything but to ruin Charles' evening.

Charles pulled you off the dance floor to talk.

"Let's go home, Y/N." he whispered in your ear. "No, it's ok. It's your evening. I shouldn't be the one to ruin it." you said. You pulled Charles back onto the dance floor, trying to convince him it was ok but you knew he'd see past it.

"No. Y/N, listen. Let's go home. I'm not enjoying this, ok? I know you hate it here and to be honest, I do too right now." he said. You nodded tentatively but your eyes continued to flicker and your breathing was speeding up. It was all becoming too much.

"Just look at me - just breath, ok? You're ok." Charles said, pulling you back into a hug. "You hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that, mon amor." he added. You took deep breaths trying to calm down, feeling embarrassed that you were letting this all out in public. Charles pulled you outside and the pair of you leant against the wall, taking in the fresh air. It was so much cooler out here.

"Let's go home, Y/N. We can order pizza, find some dodgy film to watch and fall asleep on the sofa." he said, holding out his hand for you to take. "Ok." you said, taking it. "I love you, mon amor." he told you. "I love you, too, Char." you said.

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