First Win - LN4

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Lando had a feeling about today. Butterflies. Right in the pit of his stomach. The car had gone really well over the last 2 days and this had led to him starting in 2nd. He never slept well when he was starting in the top 5 because his mind was filled with a mixture of excitement, nervousness and pressure. It was a habit he needed to lose if he ever wanted to be world champion.

As he stirred he noticed Y/N sat up, leaning against the headboard, reading the latest book she'd discovered. Her glasses were starting to fall down her nose so he gently pushed them back up for her.

"Thank you." she said. The pair stayed there for the next few moments before Lando decided a shower would be good to settle his thoughts. He did so and exactly that happened.

In that time, Y/N had gotten dressed and done her hair and makeup and was back into her book.

"Is it good, babe?" Lando asked. Y/N slid her bookmark into place before opening her mouth.

"So good! I just discovered that the girl's mother isn't actually her mother and the reason she wouldn't let her use technology was that she kidnapped her from her dad when she was 5 and changed her name and her birthday and what have you! And! She knew her boyfriend before she was kidnapped but didn't know but he recognised her!" Y/N exclaimed, not being able to keep her passion for the story inside of her.

Lando loved seeing her talk so passionately about things she enjoyed and was always more than happy to listen.

The pair chatted for a bit longer before deciding to make their way to the track for the race. Once they were there, the usual pre-race events occured so whilst Lando did that you went and met up with Kelly.

After what felt like less than an hour, the drivers were completing their formation lap. As the lights went out, everyone anxiously waited for the pack to sort themselves out. Lando was in 2nd with Charles less than a second in front.

Over the next 40 laps, the pair kept switching back and forth between them until Lando managed to overtake him for a final time.

"Ok, Lando, don't stress to much about this, just focus. You can do this." Will told him. "What's the gap to Charles?" he asked, ignoring Will's words. He was fully focused and Will accepted this. "1.3" he responded, before the radio fell silent again.

Y/N, among many others, watched on nervously over the last few laps as Charles closed the gap on Lando. The last lap came and Charles was ever closer to Lando. The garage was tense as the last few corners came with some incredible defending from Lando. As they came round the last corner, almost everybody from McLaren ran out to celebrate Lando's win. 

He'd done it.

Soon enough, everybody, including Y/N, were down by the podium and where the cars had pulled up. She'd not ran out to congratulate him, leaning over the track, so this was the first time he'd seen the joy on her face.

Lando jumped up, throwing his arms up, with his joy more than evident.

"You did it, Lan! You did it!" Y/N exclaimed. He ran over, pulled her into a hug and let the tears flow. He didn't care that everyone was watching him. All he wanted to do was share this moment with her. His mind floated to his family, especially his mum, and just how proud she would be.

Finally, all the hard work and dedication had paid off. The sacrifices he'd made from a kid to now had come to something. He'd done it. It felt like a massive weight off of his shoulders knowing that his name had something to it now. He knew that he meant so much to the fans but now he actually felt like he meant something. It felt like something had changed in his head.

Hi, please vote and comment :) I hope you're enjoying these and I'm always here to talk <3

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