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Hey guys, I'm really struggling to get things written and uploaded right now, requests are still open, however, for the next few weeks, I will only be uploading requests.

For now, here is a list of OS books that I love! ;

One Shots - F1&F2 by lovestorieswriter

Formula 1 Oneshots by httpsdana (one of my absolute favourites)


Third Book- F1-F4 one shots by cheekiemaz

and there is so many many more in my library, which I use as a TBR so yeah, I'm thinking that once a month I'm gonna share a few of my favourites to like encourage each-other and share because I'm not going to gate keep someone's amazing work

Another thing, I'm thinking or reorganising the chapters as such, by driver, but I'm not to sure as I'm thinking this may make new updates confusing but on the other hand if you want a specific driver, it's easier to know. Let me know what you think by commenting

F1/F2/F3 One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now