Gaming - LN4

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Y/N gently closed the book she'd just finished reading. Lando had said about an hour and a half ago that he was going to do a stream with Max and seen as Max was bringing Penelope to join in, he was going to bring Albie. 

Y/N was looking forwards to the time alone so that she couldn't finish her book and she'd managed to do just that. The quiet which had allowed her to dive right into the world of her book had been just what she'd needed.

She decided to go see what Lando was up to and if she had the chance to start a new book so she pulled the blanket off and made her way over to his little gaming cove that he'd insisted was a necessity when you brought this house.

Y/N turned the corner to see her small boy, Albie, balanced on Lando's lap, playing some Lego game. He had his brightly coloured headphones on his head and couldn't of been concentrating anymore on the game. He really needed some new headphones, as his were covered in colouring pens, taped up with duct tape and too small, but the toddler had refused the offer so you'd left him be.

"Uncle Maxi!" Albie erupted, with giggles followed. "Daddy, Uncle Maxi is being silly again." he added, through the giggles. turning to face his beloved dad. Chat loved seeing the cute little boy with his dad, Uncle Maxi and Penelope. He was still getting used to playing video games, but just like his dad, he loved it.

Albie looked just like his dad. Curly brown hair, green eyes and the most adorable smile you'd ever see. Y/N had originally wanted a mini of herself when she was pregnant, but this was so much better.

Not one of Chat, Lando or Albie had noticed her watching the scene in front of her.

"Daddy, can we go to feed the ducks?" Albie asked. "Of course, little man. Let's just say bye-bye to Chat and see if Mummy wants to come with us, then we'll go." Lando told him. He nodded, accepting what Lando was saying. He sat patiently on Lando's lap, waiting for him to finish up.

"Ok, guys, it's been fun, see you again soon but for now, bye!" Lando said. "Bye-bye, Chat. I love you all lots and lots." Albie exclaimed, with a big smile. He waved his little hand side to side as Chat awed over the toddler.

"And Chat, don't forget to be nice to people. It's not nice to say mean things and do mean actions. If I'm a good boy, I get stickers on my chart. Maybe your Mummys and Daddys could get you some stickers. You should be good boys and girls." he continued. The toddler wanted to go feed the ducks, but kept getting distracted by things he wanted to say.

"Have you got anything else you'd like to say?" Lando asked. Albie took a moment's thought, his finger resting on his chin, whilst he looked up at the ceiling. It was the cutest sight ever.

"Yeah." he said. "Go on, then, then we go to the park and feed the ducks." Lando told him. "I love you all lots, Chat. Wish my Daddy good luck for his next racing. He races in orange and that's my whole favourite colour! Ok, enjoy your sleeps and food, Chat! Bye-bye!" Albie said, getting more and more excited.

He wriggled off of Lando's lap and ran out of the room, while Lando closed up.

"Come on, Daddy!" Albie shouted, which could barely be heard in the stream, but it was there. It made Chat fall in love with the adorableness of the little boy all over again.

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