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No one's point of view:

November 14th was like any other day, the Lagmontagne house was as quiet as a mouse. JJ and Will where peacefully sleeping in bed. Michael was sleeping in Henry's bed since he had a nightmare at 3 in the morning. JJ didn't have work that day since the BAU was shut down due to termites she wanted to have a fun day with her husband and kids but little did she know something was going shake up there whole day.

5 am:

Will had felt the urge to throw up so he sprinted out of bed which caused JJ to wake up.

in the bathroom:

JJ: Babe are you okay?

Will: No, I feel like I have the flu or the stomach flu or something.

JJ goes and sits down next to him

JJ *feels his forehead*: You don't feel warm.

Will: I feel like I'm gonna- *throws up*

JJ: Okay, I think we should take it easy today

As soon as JJ said that henry came in

Henry: Mom?

JJ: yeah.

Henry: Michael had another nightmare and won't go back to sleep.

JJ: Okay, just let me finish up here then I will talk with Michael.

Henry: Okay

After JJ got Will into bed she went to see the boys

Henry's room:

Henry: I can't get him to go back to sleep.

JJ: Okay. *bends down to michael's level* Hey bud, why won't you go back to bed?

Michael: I'm scared.

JJ: why?

Michael: that a serial killer is going to come kill you, dad, and henry.

JJ went from sorry to worried because how can a 7-year-old have a dream that is so vivid.

JJ: Bud no one is going to kidnap you. Its just a dream.

JJ is now comforting her youngest.

Michael finally fell asleep in JJ's arms at 5:30 am.

After that she placed him back in bed

Henry: thanks mom I thought I would never get him back to bed

JJ: Your welcome, just come get if he has anymore ok??

Henry: I will.

It was now 9 am even though to JJ it felt like 7 am because of all the throwing up happening last night.

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