Coffee hangout part 2

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JJ had just gotten home from hanging out with Meg and sees Will cooking dinner for the boys.

Michael: Mom!

JJ: Hey, where's Henry??

Will *sad*: He had a migraine so he fell asleep on the couch about 30 minutes ago.

JJ: Hey Michael can I talk to your dad for a second??

Michael: Sure. I have to go finish cleaning my room anyway.

After Michael left there was a few minutes of silence.

JJ: Babe, look at me.

Will *sad*: I'm making dinner.

JJ: I'm sorry for snapping at you.

Will *still a little sad*: it's okay. I understood that you were trying to catch up with Meg. I shouldn't of called.

JJ: No it's ok, I should have said something earlier but I've just been really stressed because Emily has been MIA and Luke has something going on with his dog Roxie.

Will: I'm sorry babe.

JJ: it's not your fault. What were you calling me about earlier though??

Will: I wanted to know where the last place his seizure medication was. He was having Febrile Seizures again.

JJ: Did you find the medication??

Will: Yeah. It was under our sink.

JJ: ok. Did you give it to him??

Will: Yeah I gave it to him about an hour ago.

JJ: ok. When was the last time you checked on him??

Will: A couple hours ago.

JJ: I will go check on him in a little bit.

Will: Okay. How was coffee with Meg??

JJ: Good! She has daughter Henry's age. Her name is Ari.

Will: Yeah.

JJ: I think they would be good friends. I mean Meg told me that they have a lot in common plus she is enrolling her in the same high school Henry goes too. They just moved here.

Will: What things do they have in common??

JJ: Meg says that Ari likes and plays soccer, basketball, football, video games, and hanging out with her little brother.

Will: That's totally Henry.

JJ: Yeah.

Henry was listening to them behind the kitchen door.

JJ gets a phone call from Rebecca, her boss.

Phone call:

JJ: Jareau.

Rebecca: hey it's Rebecca.

JJ: Hey Rebecca.

Rebecca: We have a case.

JJ: Yeah I will be right there.

Rebecca: I will send you details of the case.

JJ: Okay.

End of phone call

Will: You have a case, don't you??

JJ: Yeah but I'm not leaving you with two ADHD boys.

Will: we will be fine. I can take care of them.

JJ: I promised Henry that I would stay.

Will: It's your decision if you wanna go.

JJ: Well I know if I do go then I will just worry about him having another seizure but if I don't go then my team will be upset.

Will: Yeah.

JJ: I don't think I will go. Family comes first.

JJ calls Rebecca back.

JJ: Hey Rebecca I don't think I'm coming in. Henry is still not feeling well.

Rebecca: Okay. Who do you want be unit chief until you get back??

JJ: Is Dave there??

Rebecca: Yeah. He is standing right next to me.

JJ: I want Dave to be unit chief until I get back.

Rebecca: He heard you so I will let him know the details so he can brief the team. Tell Henry I said that I hope he feels better.

JJ: I will bye.

Rebecca: Bye.

End of Phone call.

JJ: I'm going to go check on Henry.

She opens the kitchen door and finds him standing there

JJ: Hey I was just coming to check on you.

Henry: I thought you were going to leave.

JJ: I'm not going anywhere. How is your migraine??

Henry: It still hurts.

JJ: Do you want some medicine??

Henry: yeah.

JJ gives Henry Motrin.

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