Urgent Care

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JJ and Henry made it to the Quantico Urgent Care at 9:05. JJ had already made an appointment since Henry was in so much pain. Henry had cried the whole way there.

They waited for 15 minutes and 10 minutes for the doctor to come in.

Doctor Callahan: hi, I'm doctor Callahan and I will be your-Aunt JJ??

JJ: Meg?? What are you doing here?? The last time I saw you you were a teenager.

Meg: I started working here after my husband and I got married.

JJ: How is your mom??

Meg: my mom is good and she had my sister 10 years ago now.

JJ: I forgot that Kate was pregnant when she left, what is your mom doing now??

Meg: Now she is a stay at home mom and Chris and Kate adopted me after my mom retired but Chris still works at the same job.

JJ: We should get lunch sometime to you know catch up.

Meg: I would like that.

So after Meg checks out Henry it turned out that he had a really bad case of strep throat.

Meg: okay you guys are free to go and JJ here is my phone number.

At home:

JJ went to a smoothie place and got Henry a smoothie so he could take his antibiotic.

Will: So what's the verdict??

JJ: He has a really bad case of Strep.

Will turns to Henry.

Will: I'm sorry buddy.

Henry nods.

JJ: He told me it hurts to talk.

Will: When you start your antibiotics you will feel better.

JJ: Why don't you go to the living room with your smoothie and I will be in there in a minute to give you your medicine.

Henry nods.

JJ: You are never going to guess who I saw at the Urgent Care.

Will: who??

JJ: Meg.

Will: Like Kate's daughter Meg.

JJ: Yeah. We have a coffee date this weekend.

Will: Ok.

They basically spent the next week taking care of Henry.

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