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It was going to be a busy day for JJ and Will. JJ had a case and Will had a full day of work.

No's point of view:

JJ hasn't heard from Henry at all this morning and he usually gets up at 6. So she turns to her 7 year old and Will who were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

JJ: Michael have you seen Henry this morning??

Michael: I knocked on his door so he could help me with my hair and he didn't answer.

JJ knocks on Henry's door twice.

JJ: Henry Carson you better open this door right now!

Henry opens the door.

JJ could tell that something was wrong because Henry never slept in 10 minutes before they were supposed to leave.

JJ: Hey we are supposed to leave in 10 minutes you better have your butt in the car. Your dad and I have to work today.

Henry *barely can talk*: Mom I don't feel good.

JJ feels his forehead.

JJ: you feel super warm. I'm gonna take your temperature.

JJ went downstairs and got the thermometer so she could take Henry's temperature

JJ took Henry's temperature and it was 102.8

JJ: Let's have a chat in your room.

Henry and JJ go into Henry's room and JJ closes the door.

JJ: Does anything else hurt??

Henry: My throat and head hurt.

JJ: Okay. Are you hungry??

Henry: Swallowing makes my throat hurt.

JJ: I know but if you want medicine then your going to have to eat something.

Henry *getting tears in his eyes*: I know but it hurts.

JJ: Just give me one second.

JJ goes to the top of the stairs that go to downstairs

JJ: Babe!

Will: Yeah

JJ: Can you come up here??

Will: yeah. Coming!

Will: Where are you??

JJ: In Henry's room.

Will goes to Henry's room to find him crying on JJ's lap.

Will: What happened?? Why isn't he ready for school??

JJ: He sounds terrible and says that he's head hurts.

Will: Does he have a fever??

JJ: it was 102.8.

Will: What do you me to do??

JJ: I think he could possibly have strep, can you check to see how bad his throat looks.

Will: sure.

Will looks at his throat and it looks super swollen and inflamed.

JJ: Well??

Will: It looks pretty bad. I think you should take him to see urgent care.

JJ looks at the urgent care close to them.

JJ: It doesn't open til 9.

Will: It's 8:45. If you leave now then you will get there when it opens.

JJ: Okay. Can you help get his shoes on??

Will: Sure.

Will helps Henry get his shoes on and JJ is in pajamas but she didn't care she cared more about Henry so she just put shoes on and put her hair in a ponytail.

JJ then helped Will get Henry to the car.

They then left for the urgent care while Will took Michael to school.

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