Coffee Hangout

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No one's point of view:

JJ heads to the coffee shop to meet Meg. She promised Henry that she would try to be back as soon as possible since they both had a really bad night.

At the Coffee shop:

Meg: Hey Aunt JJ over here!

JJ: Hey Meg.

They sit down and start chatting.

JJ: so tell me everything.

Meg: Well after my mom retired she had my sister and when my sister was a couple months old my mom and dad got married. They also adopted me.

JJ: I forgot to ask your mom what she named your little sister??

Meg: My parents wanted it to be special name that would remind them of someone.

JJ: What did they name her??

Meg: They decided to name her after you. They named her Jennifer Mae.

JJ: well you can tell your mom I said thank you.

Meg: I will

JJ: How old is she??

Meg: she just turned 10.

JJ: so how have you been??

Meg: I'm good. My husband and I are celebrating our anniversary today.

JJ: Aww! How long have you guys been married??

Meg: 15 or 16 years. When you have 3 kids your mind goes blank most of the time.

JJ: Yeah. Try two boys with ADHD.

Meg: yeah. How old are your boys now??

JJ: Henry is 14 and Michael is 7.

Meg: Wow! The last time I saw Henry he was only to your hip and now he is almost as tall as you.

JJ: I know. It still surprises me that he is going to graduate in 4 years. Michael is sure going to miss him when he goes to college. I mean they have such this great bond and usually teenagers only care about hanging out with their friends and stuff but when me and Will were so exhausted one day he had plans but canceled them for his brother.

Meg: that's so sweet, my kids would never act that with each other they would just fight.

JJ: Yeah. How old are they??

Meg: Ari, my oldest is 14, Caleb, my middle child is 12, and Becca my youngest is 10.

JJ: What's your husband's name??

Meg: Ethan, he's 26.

JJ: And how old are you again??

Meg: I just turned 24.

JJ: yeah.

Meg: How old are you and Will??

JJ: I'm 27 and Will's 28.

Meg: Yeah.

JJ gets a call from Will but she doesn't answer it.

JJ: He probably wants to know if we are still doing date night this weekend.

Meg: How many years have you guys been married??

JJ: Gosh, it's been 15 or 16 years now. Have I ever told how he asked me to marry him??

Meg: No I don't think so.

JJ: He was shot and kidnapped and we finally found him and in the hospital he asked me and we got married that night.

Meg: So sweet.

Will calls JJ again.

So JJ decides to answer.

JJ: Hey I'm kinda busy, what's up??

Will: Do you know where keep Henry's medicine??

JJ: It's where we always keep it in that cabinet in our room.

Will: All I see is his ADHD medication.

JJ: I will find it when I get home!

Will *sad*: okay.

JJ: I love you.

Will *still sad*: bye.

End of phone call

JJ: that's weird, he didn't say I love you back.

Meg: Well you did kinda snap at him.

JJ *feels bad*: your right I didn't mean to snap at him it's just work has been stressful recently. I mean Emily has been MIA and Luke is going through something.

Meg: Did you tell Will that??

JJ: No, I don't wanna add more to his plate.

Meg: What do you mean??

JJ: His mom isn't doing too good.

Meg: What's wrong with his mom??

JJ: His mom has a heart condition but I don't remember what it's called. It's really rare for her age though.

Meg: My job can be stressful and when Ethan's parents got divorced I told him that I needed a break from my job for a little bit and he was understanding about it.

JJ: Yeah I probably should tell him when I get home.

Meg: Oh look at the time I have to go.

JJ: I probably should go too.

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