Taking time off

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JJ's point of view:

Right now I am on my way to the school to get the boys homework since they won't be here the rest of the week.

End of JJ's point of view

No one's point of view:

At the school:

JJ walked into the front office and talked to the office lady, Mrs Mandel.

Mrs Mandel: Hey JJ, what can I do for you today??

JJ: I was wondering if I could get Henry's homework for the rest of this week??

Mrs Mandel: Sure. Just let me contact all of his teachers and get the assignments.

Mrs Mandel gets all of Henry's homework assignments and hands them to JJ.

JJ: Thank you.

Mrs Mandel: Your welcome.

JJ then left to go to the elementary school for Michael.

Elementary school:

Ms Love: Hey JJ, what can I do for you??

JJ: I was wanting to know if I can get Michael's assignments for the rest of this week.

Ms Love: Sure. Just let me call his teacher.

Ms Love calls Michael's teacher and she brings JJ the homework assignments

Mrs Nicole: Is Michael sick??

JJ: No we are just going through a hard time and I'm taking the rest of the week off of work so they are taking the rest of the week off from school.

Mrs Nicole: Oh no, what happened??

JJ: Me and Will just found out that he has pediatric cancer so we just told the boys yesterday.

Ms Love: Oh I'm so sorry, we will pray for him.

JJ: thanks

Mrs Nicole: when does he start radiation??

JJ: the 30th of this month.

Ms Love: We will pray for him.

JJ: thank you.

Mrs Nicole: How are Henry and Michael feeling about it??

JJ: I don't think Michael understands but Henry is obviously worried because he and Will have
had such this special bond since Henry was a baby.

Mrs Nicole: I can definitely see that bond.

JJ: Yea- *gets a phone call from Will* I should probably go, Will's calling me.

Ms Love: Okay, have a nice day JJ.

In JJ's car:

JJ and Will's conversation:

JJ: Hey babe, is everything okay??

Henry: When are you coming home??

JJ: Henry I have to go talk to Emily and then I will be home. Why are you calling me from your dad's phone??

Henry: Something is wrong with dad.

JJ: what's wrong with him??

Henry: I don't know. He just won't respond to anything we are saying.

JJ: Okay, I will try to be home as soon as possible.

Henry: Okay. Bye mom.

JJ: bye bud.

End of the phone call.

JJ gets to the BAU and knocks on Emily's door which was closed because she was having a conversation with Garcia.

Emily: Come in.

Emily could tell that JJ was stressed and worried about something.

JJ: hey is it a good time to talk??

Garcia: Are you still good to come over this weekend??

Emily: Yeah. Sami wants to see Sergio.

Garcia: okay.

Garcia leaves Emily's office.

Emily: what's up??

JJ: I wanted to let you know that I am taking the rest of the week off.

Emily: Okay, Can I ask why??

JJ: It's kinda personal.

JJ didn't wanna say it with the door open.

Emily could tell that JJ was uncomfortable with the door open.

Emily: Would it make you more comfortable if I closed the door??

JJ: Yes.

Emily goes and closes the door.

Emily: Jage talk to me.

JJ: Remember when I took Will to get those tests done.

Emily: Yeah.

JJ: We got a diagnosis and he has pediatric cancer.

Emily: Omg JJ I am so sorry.

Emily hugged her best friend.

JJ: It's okay. I know he can survive anything.

Emily: Yeah.

JJ: Can you please not tell the team anything??

Emily: I won't and you can have all the time off you need.

JJ: thanks, I probably should go because Henry called in the car. Apparently something happened.

Emily: Okay bye.

JJ: bye.

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