Tough decision

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JJ's point of view:

A couple of weeks ago I found out I was pregnant again. I never knew that it was going to shake things up.

End of JJ's point of view

A couple of weeks ago:

JJ is pregnant and Will already knows but she wanted to hold off on telling the boys until there first appointment.

But JJ had one thought on her mind. The last time she had a bad pregnancy was on her mission with Matt ( Watch the 200 episode of criminal minds if you don't know what I'm talking about) and she didn't want it to happen again. She needed to talk with Will.

JJ went to Will's office where he was working from home. He is the lead sheriff at the Quantico Police Station. He was planing on going back to work on Thursday. He only worked from home on certain days or when JJ had cases.

Will *mad*: I need it on my desk by Friday, is that clear??

He throws his phone down on the desk. Not enough to break it.

JJ: Hey, are you ok?

Will: Yeah, just some people I work with don't know how to do there job.

JJ: Is it a good time to talk?

Will: Yeah I could use a break.

They go to the comfy chairs outside.

JJ and Will's conversation:

JJ: You remember when we promised each other that we wouldn't keep secrets from each other.

Will: Yeah.

JJ: I haven't been exactly honest with you.

Will: What do you mean?

JJ: When I was on a special mission with Matt I found out something wh-

Michael comes rushing out.

Michael: Mom something's wrong with Henry.

Will: What's wrong with Henry?

Michael: I don't know. He won't tell me. He just told me to come get you.

JJ: ok.

Michael takes them where Henry is.

They get to the boys game room.

JJ: Henry what's wrong?

Henry: Mom, I can't breathe and my chest hurts.

JJ knew that was a sign for Henry's Febrile Seizures. 

JJ: Will, can you get me his seizure medication?

Will: Sure.

JJ: Michael it was a smart thing to come and get me.

They give Henry his medication.

Will: Your mom and I are going to finish our conversation if you need us we will be outside.

Continue of the conversation:

Will: What were you saying before we got interrupted.

JJ: When I was on my special mission with Matt I found out something.

Will: You know you can tell me anything.

JJ: I was pregnant and someone attacked our convoy on the way to get Nadia's daughter.

Will: Wow! Were you guys ok?

JJ: I was but I lost the baby due to shock.

Will: I'm sorry.

JJ: It's ok, are you mad??

Will: No. Is that what you wanted to talk about??

JJ: I actually wanted to get your advice about something.

Will: What's up??

JJ: Ever since being pregnant again I have been thinking about how I don't want to lose this baby the way I did in 2011.

Will: Ok.

JJ: Would you mind if I turned in my badge and gun and became a stay at home mom?

Will: No I wouldn't mind. I actually would like that better.

JJ: I will have a conversation with Rebecca ( her boss) tomorrow then we can tell the boys.

The next day:

JJ heads down to the BAU to talk to Rebecca.

Rebecca: Just have that report done by Friday.

JJ: Hey did you get my voicemail??

Rebecca: Yes, congrats. So what brings this visit??

JJ: I'm actually here to sign my letter of resignation, I just don't wanna go through what I went through in 2011.

Rebecca: Ok.

JJ hands in her badge and gun and signs the papers.

Rebecca: do you want to go with me to tell the team??

JJ: No I'm okay but thanks for everything Rebecca.

Rebecca: Your still going to check in right??

JJ: Of course, you can't get rid of me that easy.

Tough decision part 2 will be up soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2023 ⏰

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