Telling the boys

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JJ and Will got home at 2 pm, just in time for JJ to pick up the boys from school.

JJ drove to the elementary to get Michael.

Michael: Hey mom.

JJ: Hey, how was your day??

Michael: good. I made this for dad.

Michael pulls out a picture that he has made for Will.

JJ: You can show him when we get home. Now buckle up because we to go get Henry.

Michael buckles up and they go grab Henry.

JJ: oh when we get home your dad and I wanna talk to you.

Henry: Are we in trouble??

JJ: No we just wanna talk.

Henry: Okay.

At home:

Henry: What do you wanna talk to us about??

JJ: Well your dad was sick the um last couple days and um he had some tests down.

Henry *worried*: mom your scaring me.

JJ: Well your dad has been diagnosed with pediatric cancer.

Henry: what??

JJ: Look boys I know this is hard to process and It's hard for me too. But your dad and I are trying to stay positive about it.

Michael: Is dad going to die??

JJ *sniffs*: No baby.

Henry: How do you know that??

JJ: Because your dad is a strong man who survived being shot on our wedding day. He also risks his life every day being a cop.

Michael: yeah.

JJ: So I want your boys to be strong for him. I'm going to talk to your teachers tomorrow and talk to Emily about us having the rest of the week off.

Henry: when does his chemo radiation start??

JJ: the 30th.

Henry: Are we going to have school that day??

JJ: I don't know.

JJ: let's save more questions for tomorrow your dad and I are really exhausted. *yawns*

Henry: Then you guys take a nap, I will take care of Michael.

JJ: Really??

Will: You don't have to do that Henry. We know you had plans with Jack and Sami this afternoon.

Henry: No it's ok I want too. You guys have not had any sleep in 3 days. I can watch him I don't mind plus I promised him that that I would play Roblox with him.

So JJ and Will went to take a long nap.

The rest of the day was just a rest day and they basically did nothing the rest of the day.

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