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Hello! I'm Lex. This is my first time posting on wattpad. This will be a collection of Hermitcraft oneshots, art, and headcanons. This will be mainly Grian and Xisuma, but you might find some Mumbo, Doc, and one ✨ AMAZING ✨  Iskall fic hehe.

This is old, and kind of cringe. Beware!

I take requests, but will not do:





Requests here:

Note from the future: One of my friends just posted her first story on wattpad. It's called Power, it's about a watcher Joel and I highly recommend it! Her user is 

Also wattpad is the only place I'm posting this unless I say otherwise. If you see this story anywhere else, it was stolen.

[Discontinued] Random Hermitcraft stuff (Oneshots, headcanons, etc)Where stories live. Discover now