Broken Helmet (X, Doc)

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Doc may be out of character. I don't really know how to write him.

This is platonic!

Word count: 663

"Void! Why are there so many mobs!?" Xisuma yelled as he sliced at zombies with his sword.

"You're the one who can access the code! You tell me!" Doc responded as they were ambushed by mobs.

"I'd look if I had a chance!" Xisuma exclaimed.

Doc planted a couple hits on some skeletons while Xisuma attempted to kill the ever growing horde of zombies. It was very hard, so when the pair saw an opening, they took it. The two ran. The many mobs chased after them, but they ran them out. They jumped up onto a ledge, too high for mobs to climb, but a zombie got one last hit in. A zombie pushed Xisuma. He began to fall face first onto another sharp ledge. The pair heard a crack as X hit the ground.

No, no, no no!

Doc thought.

"X!" Doc yelled. He rushed towards Xisuma, hoping that when he lifted up his head, Doc didn't see any blood.

He crouched down and lifted X up.

Good, no blood.

Xisuma's visor was badly cracked and his helmet was horribly dented.

"Xisuma. Xisuma, can you hear me?"

"...Yeah...? What happened...? My head hurts..." Xisuma groaned and sounded disoriented. It was possible he had a concussion.

"You... fell. Do you remember anything?"

"Um...oh yeah! I remember. I think my helmet took most of the hit. My head hurts from the shock though." Xisuma tried to get up, but as he got up, a small piece of his helmet fell off.

"Wait what...? Oh. Oh shoot! Oh shoot, shoot, shoot!!! My helmet! Doc, how does it look?! Is it bad?!"

"Well, um..." Doc wasn't usually one to sugar coat something, but he knew how much X needed his helmet to be on, despite not knowing why. "The visor is cracked really badly and it looks like it will fall apart and it's super dented. Xisuma...I...I think you need to take it off..."

"No! I-I-I can't!"

"It's a safety hazard. The visor could stab your face and same with the helmet itself.

"No-but I-I need it! I-" Xisuma was hyperventilating.

"Look, X, it's going to be fine. Whatever you're scared of us seeing, we will not hate you for it."

"B-but, I, you, n-no one liked it! I-I-" The mouthpiece fell off revealing Xisuma's mouth wide open. That's when Doc saw that Xisuma had fangs. Two little pointy K9s. Xisuma clamped his hand over his mouth and his eyes widened.

Oh my void, did he see?! He must have seen it! He was staring right at it! Oh void, what am I going to do?!

"So... you have fangs? I thought you were human?"

A muffled reply came from Xisuma.

"...yeah I am. I just... have fangs..."

Xisuma was surprised that Doc didn't sound disgusted or even look disgusted, but he figured Doc was just processing it and the kindness wouldn't last.

"You...think that having fangs is bad? I mean, all they are is two pointy teeth."

Xisuma was taken aback. He had been hated when he was younger for having fangs. No one liked him back when he was in school, because of his teeth, and yet Doc was treating it like X just told him that he liked writing fan fiction!

"B-but... everyone hated me! Because of my fangs!"

"Well, they're dumb. They made you think that something as benign as some fangs is horrible and makes you a monster."

Xisuma stood there for a second, then fell into Doc's arms, sobbing.

"I-I-I re-ally n-nee-ded t-that... W-when I-I w-wa-s I-I-I s-sch-ool, ev-ery o-one h-h-ha-ted m-me and t-th-ey st-arted t-t-to b-ully m-me rea-lly b-badly and u-usually Al-ex w-ould p-rotect m-m-me, b-but o-one t-ime, A-Al-ex w-w-was s-sick an-d I-I a-lmost d-d-drowned..."

"W-wow...I'm so sorry. You know we'd never do that to you..."

"T-th-ank y-you..."


I like this one :D

Remember: this was platonic!

Okay, so some explanation for when I compared fan fiction to X's fangs: Fan fiction can be regarded as a cringy, weird thing to do or as something that's just another way to express love of a show or book, just like Xisuma's fangs.

- Lex

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