letter 3

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Hunter sat on the couch of his apartment, scrolling through Penstagram before he had to leave for work. As he stood up to grab his belongings, there was a knock on the door. He slowly walked over, no one ever came to visit him.

"Hey kid," Eda smiled as he cracked the door.

"Eda? Is everything okay?" He asked, opening the door fully.

"Yeah, Luz wanted me to stop by and give this to you. I'm sure you know she's visiting her mom in the human realm," The older witch explained.

He nodded slowly, looking down at what she was holding. An envelope. He reached out and took it from her.

"Thanks. How is she, anyway?"

"Oh, you know. I can't say she's exactly happy, but she's definitely better," Eda shrugged.

He nodded.

"Well, thanks for stopping by. I'll let Luz know you did,"

The two said their goodbyes, and Hunter walked back into his apartment, sitting on the couch. He inspected the envelope, confused into why Luz would've written him a letter. Slowly, he slid his finger along the seal, pulling the paper out. He scanned around, his eyes landing at the signature at the bottom.

'Sincerely, Amity'

His heart skipped a beat. He took a deep breath and began to read.

Dear Hunter,

We never got along the best, which is probably why you're wondering why I'm writing you a letter. Quite frankly, I wondered a little too, but despite our differences, you were still my friend.

Mainly because no one could love Luz like the two of us. I've seen how you look at her, hold her, cry with her. I've heard how she talks about you, how she told the nurses your last name was Noceda (lol). You are more of a brother to her than any sibling could ever be. Which is why I'm entrusting you with this letter.

What I'm gonna ask you is going to sound insanely selfish of me, but I don't know if I'll be able to rest peacefully without knowing my girl is safe.

I'm writing this to ask you to watch over her. I've never seen anyone cheer her up like you do. I've seen you holding her in the hallways, I've seen how she cries into your chest, and all I ask is you keep letting her do that. She won't show her soft side around me, and I know she tries to stay strong, but it still breaks my heart. She doesn't show her emotions, she's gonna bottle everything up, I need you to be there for her.

Check on her often, go visit her, take her out, anything. Make sure she's gonna be okay.


I don't trust a lot of people, but I trust you with Luz's life. Luz's because there's not much of mine left to be entrusted with.

On top of that, though, make sure you're okay as well. Taking care of those around you is important, but you can't do it if you're not okay yourself. Luz is a smart girl, and she's considerate, and she'll know if something's up with you. I know you can talk to her, and I know she can talk to you.

Maybe we never saw eye-to-eye, but I still love and care about you, Hunter. I know this whole thing brought us closer, to be honest it made everyone wanna be closer to me, but the only difference is that we got closer. You and I. Not just you.

So, what I want to tell you is that I love you. Luz loves you, Willow, Gus, everyone does, Hunter. You are the joy of this friend group, you keep everything together. Please don't let everyone drift after I'm gone. Maybe you can forgive me someday for stealing that shirt you kept asking if anyone had seen. ;)

Sincerely, Amity

"God damn it," Hunter whimpered out, tears dripping off his chin.

He chuckled a little.

"My damn shirt," He chuckled, wiping his face with his sleeve.

He inhaled sharply, looking up and at the clock on the wall, seeing he had 10 minutes to get to work. Standing up, he placed the note on the coffee table in front of him, making a mental note to call Luz that night. With that, he grabbed his jacket and keys, and swooped out the door.

Later that day, Luz Noceda sat in a small diner with her mother, one they always used to go to when Luz was young. They talked about what had been happening in the Boiling Isles, what had been happening in Connecticut, and everything in between.

"Mama.." Luz began, looking at her mother as their laughter died down.

The air around her seemed to still as she tried to find the right words. There was so much she needed to say, but she didn't know where to begin. She glanced off to the side, avoiding her mother's stare.

"I don't know if I'm okay," She spoke, just above a whisper.

Camila's heart ached at the words. She knew the day would come when she'd have to comfort her daughter like this, she just wished it hadn't come so soon.

"Every day is hard. I push through and open up because everyone says that's what's going to heal me, but it's so hard. I wake up to the reality that I'm not ever going to see Amity again. I fear going to sleep because I know I'm going to have to wake up eventually. I-" Her voice broke as tears flooded her vision.

Luz looked back into her mother's eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Mama, I've thought about killing myself, and that really scares me,"

The two girls' eyes stayed locked. Camila took in a shaky breath, reaching for her daughter's hands.

"Mija, you remind me so much of myself," She spoke.

A tear rolled down Luz's cheek as she squeezed her mom's hands. She looked down at her lap.

"It was a constant thought after your father died, but I had to remind myself that someone had to be here for you. He died, so I live for him. I want you to do the same,"

Luz nodded, more tears rolling down her face. She retracted one arm from her mom to wipe her face.

"I will always be here for you, don't be afraid to reach out. Eda as well. I love you more than life itself," Camila spoke softly, stroking Luz's hand with her thumb.

Luz took a deep breath and looked back up at the woman across from her.

"I love you, mama,"

"I love you, too,"

sincerely, amityWhere stories live. Discover now