Prologue: The Gate appears in The World That never was

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Third person POV:

3 figures in Black coats stood in front of a giant Gate. A few moments ago, the giant Gate had suddenly appeared in front of the skyscraper that never was, looking all menacing and stuff.

Multiple Nobodies were sent to surround the gate while the 3 figures in Black stood atop the Skyscraper, getting a better look at the gate.

Axel: So. . . ., any idea what this thing is supposed to be??

Xigbar: Beats me.

Saix: Well, whatever the case, our orders were strictly to watch the gate in case anything happens.

Axel: Yeah, well I'm bored. We've been here for two hours and I wanna get some sea salt ice cream in Twilight Town with Roxas.

Saix: Quit acting like a child, Axel.

Xigbar: He's right, you know. We've been here for Kingdom Hearts knows how long and we've yet to see any sort of action.

Saix: Our orders were to engage only when movement is-

Suddenly, loud horns from within the gate sounded off as multiple soldiers in armor came charging out and began raiding the streets. Wyverns flew out of the gate and into the skies, most likely scouting the area.

Xigbar: Would you look at that? Some action.

Axel: Finally. *Summons chakrams* Orders were to engage when there's movement right?

Saix: *Summons claymore* Precisely. Xigbar, stay up here. Axel, we'll take on the ground level. 

Xigbar: *Summons Sharpshooter* Heh, this'll be fun.

At the bottom of the skyscraper, the troops were busy pillaging when multiple dusks and assassin nobodies appeared and started attacking them. The Nobodies began killing them one by one, some of them tearing their hearts out and turning them into heartless.

Multiple soldiers and their commanders ran for their lives in different directions. Their calvary unit ran into a street area where they were greeted by White Giants wielding giant broadswords. Among the giants, a man in a black cloak wielding a claymore slowly walked forward.

Saix: Gentlemen, I'm afraid you've made a mistake coming to this world. 

Soldier: W-what do you mean?!?

Saix: You've entered a world that was not of your own, threatened my home and broke most of our world. For that, a crime must be paid for. *Looks up at the moon* I call on the moons pale light.

Saix began to glow blue as more claymores were summoned. The soldiers looked in terror as the once calm man had a feral look on his face slowly approached them. All that was left were the screams of the terrified soldiers.

In another area, more soldiers and monsters were busy pillaging when Assassin Nobodies appeared and started killing them. The soldiers fought hard, but were outnumbered by the sheer amount of creatures. Suddenly, multiple soldiers began combusting and burning up as a man in a black coat with red hair was approaching them, occasionally spinning his Chakrams from time to time.

Axel gave them a smile, before running ahead and murdering the soldiers one by one.

In the skies above, the Wyvern units were being attacked by the Dusk Nobodies and Xigbar, who were teleporting from building to building to shoot down the Wyverns. Even the skies themselves weren't all that safe, as multiple Dragoon Nobodies were seen flying high into the sky and impaling multiple Wyvern riders with their spears, sending their corpses crashing down onto the streets.

The battle in the World That Never Was lasted for about an hour. The dead soldiers were dragged away by either stray Heartless or Nobodies doing their job while the survivors were taken in as Prisoners of war.


Location: The Round Room

All Thirteen members of the Organization were seated in their thrones, all staring at a holographic version of the gate that appeared in the World That Never Was.

Xemnas: It seems quite the unexpected thing has happened today. From the formation of the gate, to the arrival of  these Soldiers, it appears today might actually hold some interest.

Vexen: From my research, and the report from the dusks we've sent over, there appears to be an entirely different world on the other side. To add to it, there doesn't appear to be a heartless in sight.

Demyx: Ok, but that doesn't explain why a giant gate decided to form in the middle of town, now does it?

Larxene: Who knows, maybe it was some spell gone wrong or something.

Luxord: Spell gone wrong or not, it does not matter. However, this does prove to be quite the stroke of luck for the Organization. Truly a faithful appearance.

Roxas: What do you mean, Luxord?

Luxord: *Smirks* Roxas, since this is a relatively new land, and there doesn't seem to be any guardians of light or signs of them, wouldn't that make this world up for taking??

Saix: Luxord is correct. With the only way into this 'Special World' in our domain, it can effectively be monitored and our own civilization will be able to expand into the other world without the detection of the Light.

Xaldin: And without the Heartless, it'll be the perfect base.

Xemnas: Truly, we have been gifted quite a blessing. Alright then, we will advance some of our forces into the Special Region tomorrow to colonize the area where the gate occupies. Everyone, be prepared for tomorrow. As of now, you are all dismissed.



Location: Castle that never was lounge area-

Demyx: Man, can you believe we're heading into some new world tomorrow?

Xigbar: We jump into worlds all the time, what's the big deal?

Demyx: I mean, unlike the others, this is our own exclusive world. In others, we're either scouting or killing heartless, but now, we might get some vacation time.

Larxene: Hope they've got a beach then.

Marluxia: It has been a while since I've visited worlds.

Axel: So Roxas, you excited about this new one??

Roxas: I guess, but will we really be ok?

Axel: Pssh, we totally destroyed those guys earlier, we can definitely do it again.

Saix: Alright people, hit the sack. We've got to get up early tomorrow.





(Hope you enjoyed this chapter. see you in the next one.)

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