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Third Person POV:

After a bit of driving, Axel's makeshift team were camping underneath a rock as it was raining. Axel didn't know why,  but somehow this rain was somehow caused by Saix. Currently Roxas and Lelei were checking the map.

Roxas: Ok, so this is where we are. We've passed Tonguto, Heburae, Guremina, man these names are hard to pronounce. Looking here, we just passed Metabaru this morning. So, now we're at the Teriria Plains, right?

Rory: Why are we taking such a roundabout route?

Yao: That is my fault. I just followed the rumors of the hooded ones.

Lelei: *Lets both Axel and Roxas look at the map* These are the Koruro mountains. The path is wide but steep. *Points at another part of the map* This is the Guruban River. It's a longer route, but it's flatter.

Axel: No matter where you look at it, both of them sound like bad roads.

Behind them, Tuka began shifting in her sleep as Xion tried to calm her down. Lelei went over to use more magic on her while Axel began rubbing his forehead. 

Axel: Her condition has gotten worse. .

Roxas: Well, the man she thought was her father is driving something that elves don't know of, so it makes sense. 

Axel: At this rate, she might really break. Roxas, we have to hurry. *Turns to Yao* Yao, that dragon appeared in the Schwartz Forest, right?

Yao: It's appeared throughout the entire south, including that forest. If you wish to find the dragon, go to the Rorudom canyons, where my clan is currently hiding.

Axel: Our objective here is to help Tuka get revenge, not save your clan.

Yao: But someone there knows where it's nest is.

Axel: *Closes his eyes as he lies back in his chair* Fine. We'll head for the canyons, but just so we're clear, we are not fighting in that canyon. It's gotta be somewhere it can't fly freely.

Rory: Are you sure though? Tuka will be pretty mad once she learns we tricked her.

Lelei: We're all accomplices. 

Rory: *Playfully slaps Axel's shoulder* No helping it then, we'll deal with her anger together.

Axel: Ow. . Rude.

Roxas: *Sigh* We're this deep already, I only hope Tuka won't hate us for this. . .

Once the rain cleared out, Axel's team was on the move again. Soon enough, they arrived at the Rorudom canyons.

Most of Axel's team were out of the vehicle and staring at the canyons.

Lelei: So this is the Rorudom canyons.

Axel: *Whistles* Not a bad hiding spot.

Yao: Wait here, I will go inform my people of your arrival. 

As Yao went down into the canyon to tell her people, Tuka woke up and was accompanied by Xion to meet up with the others.

Tuka: Are we here?

Axel: Yup. Sleep well? 

Tuka: Yup, slept great. Xion was a big help. Now we can finally get rid of that dark elf. *Looking down the canyon* Why would Yao's people even want to live here when there's so little greenery? 

Axel: Who knows? They've probably got their reasons.

Turning around, Axel's team were suddenly ambushed by some of the dark elves. 

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