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Third person POV:

Axel: Alright, I'm here.

The members of the Organization had just arrived at the imperial Capital, specifically Pina's mansion, to commence with the negotiations/ secret talks with the members of the senate. In order to do so, they brought along Xaldin, who was in a chef's outfit while the others remained in their coats to show off their powers at this banquet.

Although for Axel, Pina and Hamilton had recommended him to wear some of the robes envoys of the empire usually wore.  As if the robes weren't bad enough, they came with it's own stupid little hat, that looked to be in the shape of poop. Despite the protests of the flurry of dancing flames, Axel hesitantly walked back to his team, as the rest of the Nobodies did their best to hold in their laughter.

Demyx: D-Dude-

Xion: That outfit-


Even Lexaeus couldn't contain his laughter at him stupid the outfit look. Axel realized that he was never going to live down this moment.

Roxas: I-it. . .looks . . good on you, Axel.

Axel: Yeah yeah, laugh it out. *Points at the Nobodies* Xigbar and Saix can never know about this. Got it memorized???

As if Axel's suffering wasn't enough, a random kid came from behind and called Axel a dork and his outfit stupid. It took most of Axel's willpower and strength to not chuck the kid into a tree with his Chakrams.

Axel: * Considered to burn his hat but just held onto it* Alright listen up people. Today's mission isn't really what we usually do but it is certainly important. Everyone, stay sharp and let's complete this mission.

Luxord: *Checks his watch* It's almost time.

Axel: Right then, get into position everyone!

Everyone else: ROGER!

As the gates to the mansion opened up, numerous carriages carrying Nobles entered as the numerous members of Organization XIII greeted them. Nobodies like the dusks, Dancer and Reaper Nobodies guided the Nobles to the party. Each of the Nobodies were wearing a little bow too.

Meanwhile, at the Imperial Capital:

(Because the author does not want this story to be taken down, we're not going to include this part. I'm not risking it, ok?)

Anyways, after Prince Zolzal gets done with his 'toy', he pushes the white rabbit girl off the bed. Tyuule gripped the ground for a minute before rising up and walking away, leaving the senator to talk with Zolzal.

Marcus: A member of the royal family shouldn't be using a beast woman as his personal toy, you know.

Zolzal: Heh, I'm a very progressive man, I don't discriminate against other races. Hey, I'll even let you borrow her if you wish to crave your lust.

Marcus: Don't be ridiculous. Besides, what would happen should she get Pregnant?

Zolzal: Fine by me, the kid could be the king of those Mongrels!! *Sips his drink before speaking in a lower tone.*  If there were any left. Poor Tyuule, someone who still has no idea that her colony is as good as gone, and that most of her supporters have branded her a traitor.

Marcus: *What a vicious man. . .* But, I have come here to report. There has been some disturbing activities among the senators.

Zolzal: Must be some plot from Diabo. Honestly, he's the second in line and yet he still wants to challenge me to the throne.

Marcus: No, it's not that. Enemy ambassadors are buying our senators.

Zolzal: What?!?

Marcus: It seems that some of their family members have been taken prisoner on the other side of the gate and the promise of their safe return is being used as a bargaining chip.

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