Chapter 6

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    Li Chi entered his house, didn't turn on the lights, and sat in the dark. Her words echoed in his ear. "I don't want a killer in my house. Leave and don't come back. "I don't want to see your face again." Anger rose in his chest, and he shouted, "Okay." "Why am I thinking about that?" Then he left his house and went to a brothel. He seemed to be a customer there. When he went in, the host greeted him. "Hello, Mr. Mochou, You can use room number five. "Your host will be with you right away." Li Chi went to the room and sat there. Then, after a while, a tall, burly woman walked in. At first sight, you can't tell that she's a transgender woman. She's very pretty and feminine.

 "You're coming earlier than you used to, you usually come in the middle of the night, is there a problem?" the woman asked.

"Why is there a problem?" Li Chi asked back,

 looking at her indifferently. 

"Are you bothered by my presence? Would you like me to leave?"

Then he stood up, she came close to him and looked him in the eyes and said,

"Well, you seem uncomfortable, and something is bothering you." Let me entertain you a little. "Do you want something to drink?"

He shook his head, "No." She began to take off what she was wearing and put it on the bedside table, then whispered to herself, "It looks like it's going to be a harsh night." She was right; as Li Chi was having sex with her violently and strangling her from the neck. While his eyes were closed, he continued seeing Mandolin's face and increasingly tightened his grip on his partner's neck. She sighed loudly and said, "You are a good man, and I love you." "I love you." Then Li Chi loosened his grip, opened his eyes, and came back to consciousness.

After they finished having sex, Li Chi was getting dressed while his partner commented,

"You've been more violent than usual this time. "I'm the best partner for you."

She smiled, and he smiled back with a fake smile. She continued,

"If any other woman were in my place, you would have killed her immediately."

Li Chi turned immediately and stared at her with flaming eyes. The woman got frightened and said, "

"I don't mean anything bad." I'm sorry. "I'm sorry; please forgive me."

Li Chi took his shoes in his hand and left the room. Another woman entered the room minutes after he left and asked,

"Why did this customer come out in such a hurry that I thought he killed you and fled from the scene of the crime?"

Li Chi's partner said, "Indeed, he was killing me, but I know how to deal with him." I should not stop him or fight back against him when he is suffocating me. On the contrary, I must relax completely until he loosens his grip. But tonight he was so angry that I thought he would really kill me.

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