Chapter 8

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Li Chi entered the bathroom, took a warm bath, then prepared himself a meal and sat in front of the window, his gaze fixed on Mandolin's window from behind the camera. When Mandolin finally passed in front of her window, he froze until she disappeared from his view. He stood up, put the food away, and took tension-filled turns around the room, then hit the wall with his fist several times. Afterwards, he went to the camera and hit it with his hand to change its direction away from the window, then he lifted it from the stand and threw it on the bed. Following this, he started to blame himself, saying, "You're doing it to yourself; stop chasing her and looking at her."

For several days, Li Chi prevented himself from trying to watch Mandolin by putting the camera and holder under the bed, out of sight. and posted an ad on the deep web announcing his nickname (Lightning) and stating that he was in this city and available for any work.

While he was waiting for a job offer, he wandered around, explored the city, and went to the gambling halls to look for moneylenders, these are the types of people he used to work with previously. But whenever he enters a place and sits for a while, observing the gamblers' and moneylenders' dealings, he becomes annoyed and believes that he is underestimating himself if he deals with these scumbags. He felt that working for a loan shark and taking money in exchange for threatening or beating up someone is low work that is not on the level of someone like him, so he retreated from his determination to introduce himself in order to accept job offers in this field and decided after three days of observation that he would be more satisfied with keeping to himself the secrecy and prestige by working through Internet only; he is no longer too young to accept these low missions, and this was his final decision that he would only be an assassin.

Every night, Liqi would sit in front of the window overlooking Mandolin's apartment and keep watching Mandolin's window in the dark without resetting the camera. Therefore, he was proud of himself because he resisted placing the camera. But something new began to bother him, which was terrifying dreams, or, in a more correct sense, nightmares. He has vivid nightmares every night that frighten him and feel so real during dreams that even when he wakes up from the pain he feels in the dream, he can still feel it in reality. Even the marks and traces that a dream leaves on his body, which he discovers when he wakes up, and the screaming according to his words in the dreams, he could not bear these nightmares, and one night he awoke terrified from a nightmare; that he went to Mandelin and argued with her, but she rejected him and expelled him from her home, so he strangled her and killed her. When he woke up, he quickly took out the camera and put it in front of the window, but he saw nothing but darkness. His dream was so realistic that he was afraid that he had already done it without knowing. He suspected to himself that he might have gone to her in his sleep; he was sitting in front of the camera in confusion, not knowing how to reassure himself, and in the end he decided to wait until morning, when she would wake up and raise the curtain as usual before leaving her apartment. Fear and anxiety wracked him throughout the waiting hours, so that in some moments he thought of going to her house, knocking on the door, and risking announcing his presence in the same city as her, but he prevented himself.

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