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At the therapist's room

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At the therapist's room

    Li Chi finally started to speak: "I came here today because... "I am asking for your help to get rid of a recent problem that is bothering me so badly."

He hesitated again, but the therapist encouraged him.

"Well, what's the problem?"

"Well, I'm crying a lot these days, and I can't control my crying and I can't stop myself, and this is new; I've never cried before, maybe even as a child, and I don't remember crying; maybe I did; of course, all children do, but I don't remember a specific incident that made me cry the way it is happening to me now. I want you to help me control myself again so that I can stop crying.

The therapist replied, "

"First of all, crying is a healthy sign, and there is nothing wrong with it; it is not a disease."

Li Chi whimpered and tightened his hands to exert pressure on the chair armrest. The therapist continued, noticing Li Chi's tightness.

"But if it goes too far and is out of control, it may be a symptom of another problem, so in order to help you control the crying, we must try together and find out what's causing it and what motivates it." "Why don't you start with the first time you cried?" Do you remember when? What was the reason? How was your mental state at the time?

There was silence as Li Chi looked down before speaking.

"I sobbed..."I started crying like this a little while ago, when... when...

Then Li Chi stopped talking, so the therapist said,

"Mr. Li Chao, don't think too much about choosing your words; I am not here to judge you or criticize you; I am here, as you said, in order to help you; I do not have any opinion or judgment on your person or your life, so do not pick out your words and do not think about me while you are talking; just focus on your feelings and yourself in order to get to what is causing the problem for you."

The therapist made a hand gesture that encouraged Li Chi to continue his speech.

"I have... "I cried when I was about to have sex with a woman, and I thought I might hurt her."

Then Li Chi raised his voice and emphasised his words,

"I don't want to hurt her, I don't want to hurt her at all." Then he paused and looked into the therapist's eyes. The therapist asked:


An exclamation appeared on Li Chi's face, so the therapist explained his question:

"How do you hurt her?" "Why do you think you will hurt her?"

"Well, I'm violent during sex, and no normal woman can stand me," said Li Chi,

"Are you a sadist?" "Do you like pain?" The therapist queried

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